Studi Deskriptif Mengenai School Engagement pada Murid Boarding School SMA X Bandung

Ryan Nurhidayattullah, Endang Supraptiningsih, Stephani Raihana Hamdan


Abstract. Boarding school is the school with system full boarding .One of them is X high school  bandung city applied  boarding school system .This school have  international standards facilities and various activities to support the needs of students .It is meant to get students having school engagement .School engagement (fredricks , 2004 ) student engagement at the school in learning activities for the academic and non academic can be seen from behavioral dimensions , emotional , and cognitive engagement. But found students who shows their low engagement behavior like not following the rules , did not attend school activities , seeing school activities humdrum and there is no effort to understand the subject this is supported by data from student that more students their low engagement in boarding school than regular school , but found the opposite as students can following the rules , participate in school , gladly while activities at the school , and trying to understand subjects made the data is variated that showed school engagement high and also low. That is the reason me as a researcher want to find out how about school engagement in X high school. With a measuring instrument in the form of questionnaires and  interviews  according to the theory of school engagement by frederick ( 2004 ) which has been given to 72 students of boarding X high school with the result even though as many as 29 students ( 41 % ) school engagement low and 43 students  ( 59 % ) with high school engagement.

Keywords: Boarding school, high school student, teenagers, school engagement.

Abstrak. Boarding school adalah sekolah dengan sistem berasrama penuh. Salah satunya SMA X Bandung yang menerapkan sistem boarding school. Sekolah ini terkenal karena fasilitas standar internasional dan berbagai macam kegiatan untuk menunjang kebutuhan muridnya. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk bisa membuat murid memiliki school engagement. School engagement (Fredricks, 2014) yaitu keterlibatan murid dalam proses pembelajaran pada kegiatan akademik dan kegiatan non akademik  yang dapat dilihat dari dimensi behavioral, emotional, dan cognitive engagement. Namun ditemukan murid yang memperlihatkan perilaku keterlibatan yang rendah seperti tidak mengikuti aturan, tidak mengikuti kegiatan sekolah, memandang kegiatan sekolah membosankan dan tidak adanya usaha untuk memahami mata pelajaran hal ini didukung oleh data dari kesiswaan bahwa lebih banyak murid yang keterlibatannya kurang pada boarding school dibanding sekolah reguler, adapun ditemukan hal yang sebaliknya seperti murid dapat mengikuti aturan, mengikuti kegiatan sekolah, berkegiatan disekolah dengan senang hati, dan berusaha untuk memahami mata pelajaran yang membuat data bervariatif menunjukan school engagement yang tinggi dan juga rendah. Maka dari itu saya sebagai peneliti ingin mengetahui gambaran terkait school engagement di SMA Pribadi. Dengan alat ukur berupa kuesioner dan wawancara yang di buat berdasarkan teori school engagement dari Frederick (2004) yang diberikan kepada 72 murid boarding school SMA X dengan hasil sebanyak 29 (41%) school engagement rendah dan 43 (59%) murid yang school engagement tinggi.

Kata Kunci: Boarding school, sekolah menengah atas, siswa, school engagement


Boarding school, sekolah menengah atas, siswa, school engagement

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