Studi Deskriptif School Engagement pada Siswa Boarding School yang Berprestasi Belajar Rendah di SMA Plus Muthahhari Bandung

Irena Julyvia Rulian, Temi Damayanti Dj


Abstract. Senior High School Plus Motahhari Bandung is one of the Islamic-based schools in the city of Bandung that applies the pesantren program. There are students who are invited. Based on the results of interviews with teachers, there are students in class X and XI majoring in science and social studies who have a value below the KKM. These students often do school and boarding. Students also often feel lazy to study in class and prefer to go to the canteen or play games. Students who are referred to as low school involvement. That habit, according to Fredrick, was said in the School of low involvement in which the School of Involvement was students in the learning process in academic and non-academic activities that were seen through students' behavioral, emotional, and cognitive education in school. The purpose and objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about the schools involved in low-achieving Boarding School students. The subjects in this study were 44 Plus Motahhari High School Boarding School students as many as 44 students. The measuring instrument in this study is a School Involvement scale constructed by researchers based on Fredrick's theory in the form of a questionnaire given 44 students, obtained based on data processing, there are 38 (87.4%) students who have low school attendance, the remaining 6 (13 , 6%) high students. The results of this study also showed that the Social Sciences Department had a higher School of Engagement, namely (56.8%), compared to the Social Sciences department at 43.2%. In the School Engagement Aspect the two classes are equally on the aspect of Behavioral Engagement.

Keywords: school engagement, learning achievement, boarding school


Abstrak. SMA Plus Muthahhari Bandung merupakan salah satu sekolah berbasis Islam di Kota Bandung yang menerapkan program boarding school. Terdapat siswa yang disangage. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan guru, ada siswa kelas X dan XI jurusan IPA dan IPS yang memiliki nilai dibawah KKM. Siswa-siswa tersebut sering melanggar peraturan sekolah dan asrama. Siswa pun sering merasa malas ketika belajar di kelas dan lebih memilih ke kantin atau bermain game. Siswa tersebut mengindikasikan School Engagement yang rendah. Perilaku tersebut menurut Fredrick di katakan School Engagement yang rendah dimana School Engagement adalah keterlibatan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran pada kegiatan akademik dan non akademik yang terlihat melalui tingkah laku, emosi, dan kognitif siswa di sekolah. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data empiris mengenai gambaran School Engagement pada siswa Boarding School yang berprestasi rendah. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Boarding School SMA Plus Muthahhari Bandung sebanyak 44 siswa. Alat ukur dalam penelitian ini berupa skala School Engagement yang dikontruksikan oleh peneliti berdasarkan teori Fredrick dalam bentuk kuesioner yang diberikan 44 siswa, didapatkan hasil berdasarkan hasil olah data, terdapat 38 ( 87,4%) siswa memiliki School Engagement yang rendah, sisanya 6 (13,6%) siswa tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa Jurusan IPS memiliki School Engagement  yang lebih tinggi yaitu (56,8%) , dibandingkan dengan jurusan IPS yaitu sebesar 43,2%. Pada Aspek School Engagement kedua kelas sama-sama rendah pada aspek Behavior Engagement.

Kata Kunci: school engagement, prestasi belajar, boarding school


school engagement, prestasi belajar, boarding school

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