Pengaruh Self-Fulfilling Propechy Terhadap Self-Efficacy Murid Level 1 Di Tempat Les X di Bandung

Kemal Adityawarman, Sita Rositawati


Abstract. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a process where our expectation of someone could lead us to make that expectation become reality. Expectation from self-fulfilling prophecy exist because there’s a trustworthy information and would make us try to make that expectation become reality. Self-fulfilling prophecy that had been applied in severals fields make researcher wants to know how is the impact of self-fulfilling prophecy in non-formal education, specifically at X course place in Bandung. This course place is focused on teaching their students to speak English. However, in reality there are many students that are not confident enough and able to speak in English. This is a problem because if they are not sure that they can speak English, they can repeat the course as many as they want without paying additional payment. Thus, their lack of confidence (self-efficacy) in speaking English must be improved to make them able to speak in speaking English. Self-fulfilling prophecy can increase their self-efficacy through their tutor that believe that their students are having a good potential in learing English, thus making the tutor increase he/she performance in teaching the students. The purpose of this research is to see wheter self-fulfilling prophecy can affect student’s self-efficacy. The research method is quasi experiment with Post-test Only Two-group Design. Student’s data would be collected with questionnaire. The sampling technique would purposive sampling. Measurement is done once after the treatment given. The results of statistic showed that Sig > α or 0.769 > 0.5, which mean there’s no differences of students’ self-efficacy between the ones who were given the treatment and the ones who were not.

Keywords: Self-fulfilling Prophecy, Self-efficacy, English

Abstrak. Self-fulfilling prophecy adalah proses dimana ekspektasi atau harapan kita terhadap seseorang akan mengarahkan diri kita agar ekspektasi tersebut terwujud. Ekspektasi dari self-fulfilling prophecy muncul karena adanya kepercayaan informasi yang sangat tinggi dan mendorong diri kita untuk mewujudkan ekspektasi tersebut. Self-fulfilling prophecy yang telah diterapkan di berbagai bidang membuat peneliti ingin tahu bagaimana pengaruh self-fulfilling prophecy di dalam pendidikan non-formal tepatnya di suatu tempat les X di Bandung. Tempat les X di Bandung merupakan tempat les yang mengajarkan bahasa inggris, terutama dalam cara berbicara (conversation). Namun, kenyataannya banyak murid yang merasa belum yakin bisa berbahasa inggris dan tidak berani menggunakannya. Ini menjadi masalah untuk tempat les ini karena jika mereka tidak dapat berbahasa inggris, mereka berhak mengulang kelas tanpa harus membayar kembali. Maka, keyakinan (self-efficacy) mereka yang rendah harus segera ditingkatkan agar mereka dapat berbahasa inggris. Self-fulfilling prophecy dapat meningkatkan self-efficacy murid melalui pengajar yang percaya bahwa murid mereka mempunyai potensi yang tinggi dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris, sehingga pengajar akan memberikan tenaga lebih dalam mengajar murid-muridnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah self-fulfilling prophecy mempengaruhi self-efficacy murid level 1 di tempat les X di Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah quasi eksperimental dengan desain Post-test Only Two-Group Design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan alat ukur berupa kuisoner. Teknik sampling yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling. Pengukuran dilakukan satu kali sesudah pemberian treatment. Hasil pengolahan data dan analisis statistik menunjukan bahwa Sig > α atau 0.769 > 0.5 dimana tidak adanya perbedaan self-efficacy murid yang diberikan treatment dengan yang tidak.

Kata Kunci: Self-fulfilling Prophecy, Self-efficacy, Bahasa Inggris


Self-fulfilling Prophecy, Self-efficacy, Bahasa Inggris

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