Evaluasi Kinerja Crushing Plant A untuk Mencapai Target Produksi Batuan Andesit di PT Lotus Sg Lestari Kampung Pabuaran, Desa Cipinang, Kecamatan Rumpin Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat

M Shadiq Dwipa Restu, Sriyanti Sriyanti, Linda Pulungan


Abstract. Crushing Plant is a processing unit consisting of various tools where there are several continuous series of activities aimed at reducing the size of the material. The process of destruction is the initial stage in the process of andesite rocks, after the process of rock destruction then the next stage is uniformity of rocks size before being sold to the market. PT Lotus SG Lestari has two crushing plant units namely crushing plant A and crushing plant B. Crushing plate A has a production capacity with 450 tons/hour, while crushing palnt B has a smaller production capability with 380 tons/hour. Considering the production capacity in crushing plant A is bigger than crushing plant B unit, the research is focused on unit crushing plant A. PT Lotus SG Lestari produces split 1, split 2, split 3 and stone ash. During the production process there are constraints that become obstacles and affect the production goals at the crushing plant, consequently the production target that has been set is not achieved, the production of crushing plant A is currently 406,86 tons/hour while the production goals set by the company is 450 tons / hour. In the primary crushing stage, the result of Mechanical Avability (MA) = 92,56%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 93,68%, Use of Avability (UA) = 84,03%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 78,72 %. In the first phase of secondary crushing stage I generated Mechanical Avability (MA) = 94.34%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 94.95%, Use of Avability (UA) = 88.63%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 84, 15%. Furthermore, at secondary crushing stage II obtained result of Mechanical Avability (MA) = 94,17%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 94,95%, Use of Avability (UA) = 90,77%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 85.94%. There is lossing materials in this production process, total losing materials is 4,1439 ton/hour or equal to 0.96% of total incoming feed.

Keywords: Crushing Plant, Obstacles, Production Goals, Lossing Materials

Abstrak. Crushing Plant adalah suatu unit pengolahan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam alat dimana terdapat beberapa rangkaian kegiatan yang bersifat kontiniu dan bertujuan untuk mereduksi ukuran material. Proses penghancuran tersebut merupakan tahapan awal dalam proses pengolahan batuan andesit, setelah dilakukan proses penghancuran batuan maka tahapan berikutnya adalah penyeragaman ukuran batuan sebelum dijual kepasar. PT Lotus SG Lestari mempunyai dua unit crushing plant yaitu crushing plant  A dan crushing plant B. Crushing plat A mempunyai kapasitas produksi 450 ton/jam, sedangkan crushing palnt B mempunyai kapisatas produksi yang lebih kecil yaitu 380 ton/jam. Dengan pertimbangan kapasitas produksi pada unit crushing plant A lebih besar dibandingkan dengan unit  crushing plant B, maka penilitian difokuskan pada unit crushing plant A. PT Lotus SG Lestari menghasilkan produk akhir split 1, split 2, split 3, dan abu batu. Selama proses produksi berlangsung terdapat kendal-kendala yang menjadi hambatan dan mempengaruhi target produksi pada crushing plant tersebut, akibatnya target produksi yang telah ditetapkan tidak tercapai, produksi crushing plant A saat ini adalah 406,86 ton/jam sedangkan target produksi yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan adalah 450 ton/jam. Pada tahap primary crushing diperoleh hasil Mechanical Avability (MA) = 92,56%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 93,68%, Use of Avability (UA) = 84,03%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 78,72%. Pada tahap secondary crushing tahap I dihasilkan Mechanical Avability (MA) = 94,34%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 94,95%, Use of Avability (UA) = 88,63%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 84,15%. Selanjutnya pada secondary crushing tahap II diperoleh hasil Mechanical Avability (MA) = 94,17%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 94,95%, Use of Avability (UA) = 90,77%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 85,94%. Terdapat kehilangan (lossing materials) dalam proses produksi ini, total losing materials adalah 4,1439 ton/jam atau sebesar 0,96% dari total umpan yang masuk.

Kata Kunci: Crushing Plant, Hambatan, Target Produksi, Lossing Materials


Crushing Plant, Hambatan, Target Produksi, Lossing Materials

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.9516

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