Studi Hidrokimia Airtanah Desa Cikasungka dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Cikancung Kabupaten Bandung - Provinsi Jawa Barat

Heri Akhmad Syaukani, Yunus Ashari


Abstract. This research is located in the village and surrounding Cikasungka, Cikancung subdistrict, Bandung regency, West Java province which is focused on the production wellbore in PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. This area belongs to the eastern part of Bandung Groundwater Basin. PT Charoen Pokphand is a company engaged in the food processing industry that requires a source of water for the production process. The company's location is not covered by the water distribution service Regional Water Company (PDAM), so it must make use of water resources through the drilling of groundwater. To support the production process, physical-chemical aspects of groundwater becomes important because it must meet the requirements of Minister Regulation Number 492 of 2010 on Drinking Water Quality Requirements. Physical-chemical data of groundwater can also be used to explain the genesis or origin of the water. The research activities carried out by observing outcrop around the site, the measurement of the physical properties of water insitu and sampling. Groundwater samples tested in the laboratory to obtain the required chemical parameters, so that differences in chemical composition that includes major element, secondary and minor element element can be known. To know the origin of groundwater, analysis through diagrams piper and diagrams HCO3-Cl-SO4, and the identification of sources of heat using a diagram of Li-Cl-B and K-Na-Mg, further groundwater grouped by chemical elements dominant and quality by the standards of water drink. The results of field measurement known their chemical differences-physical at 5 wells drilled groundwater such as electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), a potential reduction (EH), temperature, and pH that occur in a relatively short distance, ie 70-280 meters and the area is relatively small at 3.8 ± Ha. Based on the physical-chemical properties of groundwater can be divided into two groups, with code wells DW01, DW02 and DW05 and DW03 wells group with code, DW04, and SB_DW01. Groundwater hydrochemical facies indicate the type of groundwater Na + HCO 3 due to the influence of meteoric water, their interaction with the side of the rock in the form of the washing process with igneous rocks, low water equilibrium value (young water). Geological conditions and geological structures below the surface is the cause of differences in physical-chemical properties of the groundwater at the sites. The quality of groundwater in the study site is considered inappropriate for the activities of the company (except the sample DW03) because some of the parameters that exceed the standard.


Abstrak. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Cikasungka dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Cikancung, Kabupaten Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat yang difokuskan pada sumur bor produksi di PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. Daerah ini termasuk ke dalam Cekungan Airtanah Bandung bagian timur. PT Charoen Pokphand merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri pengolahan pangan yang membutuhkan sumber air untuk proses produksi. Lokasi perusahaan tidak tercakup layanan distribusi air Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), sehingga harus memanfaatkan sumberdaya air melalui pengeboran airtanah. Untuk menunjang proses produksi, aspek kimia-fisik airtanah menjadi penting karena harus memenuhi persyaratan Permenkes No 492 Tahun 2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Data kimia-fisik airtanah juga dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan genesa atau asal-usul air tersebut. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati singkapan batuan di sekitar lokasi, pengukuran sifat fisik air secara insitu dan pengambilan sampel. Sampel air tanah diuji di laboratorium untuk mendapatkan parameter kimia yang dibutuhkan, sehingga perbedaan komposisi kimia yang mencakup major element, secondary element dan minor element dapat diketahui. Untuk mengetahui asal-usul airtanah, dilakukan analisis melalui diagram piper serta diagram HCO3-Cl-SO4, dan identifikasi sumber panas menggunakan diagram Li-Cl-B dan K-Na-Mg, selanjutnya airtanah dikelompokkan berdasarkan unsur kimia dominan dan kualitasnya menurut standar air minum. Hasil pengukuran lapangan diketahui adanya perbedaan sifat kimia-fisik pada 5 sumur bor airtanah seperti daya hantar listrik (EC), total zat padat terlarut (TDS), potensial reduksi (EH), suhu, dan pH yang terjadi pada jarak yang relatif dekat, yaitu 70-280 meter dan luasan yang relatif kecil yaitu ±3,8 Ha. Berdasarkan sifat kimia-fisik airtanah dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok dengan kode sumur DW01, DW02, dan DW05 dan kelompok dengan kode sumur DW03, DW04, dan SB_DW01. Fasies hidrokimia airtanah menunjukkan tipe airtanah Na + HCO3 akibat adanya pengaruh air meteorik, adanya interaksi dengan batuan samping berupa proses pencucian dengan batuan beku, nilai kesetimbangan air rendah (air muda). Kondisi geologi dan struktur geologi bawah permukaan merupakan penyebab adanya perbedaan sifat kimia-fisik airtanah di lokasi penelitian. Kualitas airtanah di lokasi penelitian dianggap tidak layak untuk kegiatan perusahaan (kecuali sampel DW03) karena beberapa parameter yang melebihi standar.


Chemical-Physical, Bandung Basin Groundwater and Groundwater facies


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