Mine Planning And Processing Andesite Stone CV Jaya Baya Batu Persada Malingping Utara Malingping Subdistrict, Lebak Regency Banten Province

Muhammad hadi wijaya, Maryanto Maryanto, Dono Guntoro


Research planning andesite mining and processing carried out in the CV.
Baya Batu Jaya Persada in Malingping Utara District of Lebak, Banten.
geographycal located at coordinates 612223-612606 mE and 9252213-9252864
Mining started from elevation 140 meters above sea level to the limits of
mining at an elevation of 60 meters above the sea surface. Mining is done with 2
stages, the first stage of mining starts from elevation 140 meters to 117.5 meters
using mining method type quarry hill side. Mining phase 2 is done at an elevation of
117.5 meters to 60 meters elevation using type quarry pit mining method.
Demolition plan minerals using drilling and blasting methods with a high level
of 10 meters and a slope of 900. The level of blasting geometry calculations using
the formula RL Ash obtained explosive holes 27 holes, burden of 2.18 m, 2.67 m
spacing, hole depth of 10.53 m, 10 m high bench, Subdrilling 0.53 m, 1.67 m
Stemming, powder column 8.86 m, volume 58.21 m3.
Andesite mining operations using the hill side and pit type quarry with a
production target of 156,000 BCM/year. Overburden removal operations using the
unit buldozzer CAT D8-R for land clearing, loading excavator Backhoe Excavator
Komatsu PC 200-6 by one unit and transportation Dump Truck Hino Ranger Super
FF 172 MA two units. While airlift andesite using the tool fit Backhoe Excavator
Komatsu PC 200-6 by one unit and tool Dump Truck Hino Ranger Super FF 172 MA
3 units at an early stage mining (side hill type) then the type quarry pit mining
methods conveyance grew to 5 units Dump Truck Hino Ranger Super FF 172 MA.
Andesite processing using a single unit Hangxing Jaw Crusher, Cone
Crusher unit PYB Hangxing, Screening Vibration two units and five units of the
conveyor belt.
From total mineable reserves amounted to 3,330,976.996 BCM andesite and
andesite production target of 156,000 BCM/year, the estimated of mining operation
is 21 years old


Perencanaan, Produksi, Pengolahan


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.3046

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