Desain Pit Penambangan Batubara Pada Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Kw P00163 Di Pit A Pt Firman Ketaun Kecamatan Ulok Kupai Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Provinsi Bengkulu

Al Amin, Zaenal Zaenal, Dono Guntoro


PT Firman Ketaun is one of the private companies engaged in coal mining
and has Regional Exploitation Mining Permit area of 1,259.6 hectares, to which it
Mining Permit area is divided into two, namely KW P00163 with an area of 959.59
hectares and KW 96P0204 with an area 300 hectares in Village Tanjung Dalam,
District of Ulok Kupai, Regency North Bengkulu, Province Bengkulu. This company
is one of the companies belonging to the Wijaya Kusuma Group. Contractors and
sub-contractors in cooperation with PT Firman Ketaun is PT Cakra Bumi Pertiwi (PT
CBP), PT Cipta Kridatama (PT CK), PT Bina Bara Sejahtera (PT BBS), PT Titan
Wiajaya (PT TW) and PT Mitra Kembar (PT MK).
PT Firman Ketaun will open a new mine site for Pit A is done by a contractor
PT Bina Bara Sejahtera because the mining sites have now reached the last
economic coal seams.
Directions spread a thick layer of bark coal obtained from the findings of the
modeling software help is N 150° E / 2°. Tourism Re search classified as moderate
geological conditions. Extensive resources 395.4375 hectares acquired resource
calculation is: 1,731,327.557 tons (inferred), 8,341,994.793 tons (Indicated) and
14,428,489.342 Ton (measured), then the overall total 24,501,811.693 Ton.
Extensive pit 28,1781 hectares and pit depth of ± 42 meters above sea
level, High bench of 10 meters, width berm of 5 meters, single bench tilt angle 58° of
high wall, 56° of side wall, 54° of low wall. Width of to the mine road 1 for haulage
overburden that is 11.2 meters located in the lower wall and the width of to the mine
road 2 transport of coal that is 8,66 meters located on a high wall .
The amount of mineable reserves 1,184,540.902 tons stripping ratio value
7.167 . A Pit mine age 35.869 months (2 years, 11 months and 8 days).


Position, resources , pit design, mineable reserves and life of mine


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