Blending Optimization Of Gold With Different Grade To Satisfy Production Targets With Linear Program Simplex Method At Pt Cibaliung Sumberdaya (PT CSD), District Cimanggu, Pandeglang Province Banten

Rahayanti Prihartini, Dono Guntoro, Yunus Ashari


PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya (PT CSD) is an investment company domestic is
engaged in underground gold mining, with a majority stake owned by PT Antam
Tbk. 99,15% and 0,85% Antam Resourcindo (ARI).
Reserves on PT CSD have varying ore grades, to simplify the processing, at
the time of placement on the ROM pad ore are grouped based on content value, C1
to grades above 7 grams/ton (gpt), C2 for grades 2-7 gpt, and C3 to grades in under
2 gpt. The blending process ore the processing is necessary to satisfy production
targets by companies which are gold grading 7,33 gpt over. Blending simulation
conducted by PT CSD using the method of trial and error .
The simulation process blending with the simplex method by limiting the
existing problems , such as the capacity limitations of the tool SAG Mill is 580 tons
and the results are 7,33 gpt target grade levels , the completion of the equation is
done with accuracy of up to 0,001 , which means that the weight optimization of ore
is done with thoroughness up to 1 kg .Process of blending simulation with the
simplex method, at a grade of 10,95 gpt needed 425,9544 tons, the gradel of 4,46
needed 96,5105 tons and grade of 1,07 gpt needed 57,822 tons.
Production in August mills produce 50,11 kg of concentrate , the calculation
of the simplex method produces gold weight greater than simulated by trial and
error, which amounted to 39,98 kg whereas the simplex calculation of 57,17 kg dore


blending simulation, tonnage, grade, optimal


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