Planning Activities And Reclamation Costs Andesit Rock Mining To Major In Siwaluh Mountain Bolang Village Argapura Village Cigudeg Subdistrict Bogor District West Java Province PT Desira Guna Utama

San Bukti Mahardika, Yunus Ashari, Dudi Nasrudin Usman


Reclamation activities implemented in PT Desira Guna Utama use,
stockpiling directly. To organize the land after mining PT Desira Guna Utama use
topsoil from the land after mining in the year - a year earlier. Plants used for
reclamation is the plant sengon. Plan reclamation program carried out in accordance
with the Spatial Plan Bogor Regency is an Area of Use (APL) and the calculation of
direct costs and indirect reference to Government Regulation Number 78, 2010 on
Reclamation and Mine Closure and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Number 7 , 2014 on the Implementation of Activities reclamation and Mine Closure.
The total cost of reclamation PT Desira Guna Utama for the period 2015 through
2019 is Rp. 641,202,618.8.
Reclamation activities PT Desira Guna Utama should be monitored by all
stakeholders as the company itself, the government and society for these activities
to achieve.


Reclamation activities, Reclamation cost


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