Kajian Penerapan dan Penilaian Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan (SMKP) Pada Kuari Andesit PT Bailey Rekatama di Desa Mekarsari, Kecamatan Cikalong Kulong, Kabupaten Cianjur, Provinsi Jawa Barat

Resma Nugraha, Zaenal Zaenal, Sriyanti Sriyanti


Abstract. Mining has a very important role in the development and national economy. The characteristics of the mining industry are capital intensive, technology-intensive, have great risks and are dynamic in nature. PT Bailey Rekatama is engaged in andesite mining, located in Cianjur Regency, West Java, seeks to build a mining safety management system to achieve Zero Accident in its mining activities as an effort to build good mining principles.The research method used is a comparative descriptive analysis using a matrix scale of hazard identification level and risk control (IBPR) as well as HIRADC control, a four-Level Likert scale using interval differences as an effort to measure workers' opinions, and the percentage weight assessment of element achievement with the SMKP audit assessment. The results of the 12 observations were that there were no low-risk levels, 1 medium risk, 8 high risks, and extreme risk 3. after control efforts were made, the risk level decreased, where the risk level in all 12 total observations had a low-risk level. One of the efforts to control the hazards and risks of HIRADC is by eliminating sources of danger by conducting a Safety Boarding School in the community. Evaluation regarding the application of SMKP from the 13 questions that were asked to 35 workers tended to say "agree" totalling 6 out of 13 questions. Regarding the implementation of SMKP that had been implemented, it could be said that PT Bailey Rekatama had implemented SMKP. The total percentage of SMKP Audit achievement is 62%, then the achievement level of PT Bailey Rekatama has only reached the implementation fulfilment level of <70% with the achievement category only getting a certificate of being in the SMKP Audit. 

Keywords: Mining Safety Managenebt System, Hierarchical Hazard Identification, Evaluation, Audit SMKP

Abstract. Mining has a very important role in the development and national economy. The characteristics of the mining industry are capital intensive, technology-intensive, have great risks and are dynamic in nature. PT Bailey Rekatama is engaged in andesite mining, located in Cianjur Regency, West Java, seeks to build a mining safety management system to achieve Zero Accident in its mining activities as an effort to build good mining principles.The research method used is a comparative descriptive analysis using a matrix scale of hazard identification level and risk control (IBPR) as well as HIRADC control, a four-Level Likert scale using interval differences as an effort to measure workers' opinions, and the percentage weight assessment of element achievement with the SMKP audit assessment. The results of the 12 observations were that there were no low-risk levels, 1 medium risk, 8 high risks, and extreme risk 3. after control efforts were made, the risk level decreased, where the risk level in all 12 total observations had a low-risk level. One of the efforts to control the hazards and risks of HIRADC is by eliminating sources of danger by conducting a Safety Boarding School in the community. Evaluation regarding the application of SMKP from the 13 questions that were asked to 35 workers tended to say "agree" totalling 6 out of 13 questions. Regarding the implementation of SMKP that had been implemented, it could be said that PT Bailey Rekatama had implemented SMKP. The total percentage of SMKP Audit achievement is 62%, then the achievement level of PT Bailey Rekatama has only reached the implementation fulfilment level of <70% with the achievement category only getting a certificate of being in the SMKP Audit.

Keywords: Mining Safety Managenebt System, Hierarchical Hazard Identification, Evaluation, Audit SMKP


Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan, Identifikasi Bahaya HIRADC, Evaluasi, Audit SMKP.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v7i1.26234

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