Dump Truck Tire Performance Evaluation In Sandy-Clay Site PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk On Hambalang, Citeureup Bogor, West Java

David Adetya Zuarsa, Maryanto Maryanto, Sri Widayati


Dump truck’s productivity highly depends on its cycle time. Tire is one of the
main elements that determines cycle time. Good tire performance obtains small
amount of cycle time, therefore it increases dump truck’s productivity.
Effective and efficient tire management is needed to achieve optimum
performance. It can be done by evaluating its key performance indicators : tire
lifetime, tread utilization rate, and ton kilometer per hours.
Tire lifetime on Yokohama : 3145 hours, Bridgestone : 2828 hours, Michelin
7080 hours, Triangle : 1942 hours. Target for Yokohama and Triangle is 8190 hours,
Bridgestone and Michelin 8090 hours.
Tread utilization rate for Yokohama : 32,88 %, Michelin 56,82 %, and
Bridgestone : 46,26%, while the target is 85 %. Actual TKPH on Triangle is 321,467,
while the target is 270.
Lifetime and TUR don't meet their target (tires have been damaged earlier
than it should be). On the other hand, TKPH exceeds its target. The causes are as
follow : a non-standard tire pressure applied, poor hauling road conditions
(over-grade, slippery, sharp materials scattered along hauling road). As a result, the tires don’t have good performance. Therefore,
improvements on tire management are needed.


productivity, performance, tire, lifetime, TUR, TKPH, road, hauling


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.2524

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