Perancangan Crushing Plant Batu Andesit di PT Nurmuda Cahaya, Desa Batujajar Timur, Kecamatan Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat

Maulana Okta Saputra, Linda Pulungan, Sriyanti Sriyanti


Abstract. PT Nurmuda Cahaya is one of the companies engaged in mining with andesite quarry materials. The company is located in Batujajar Timur Village, Batujajar District, West Bandung Regency, West Java Province. In an effort to meet market needs and also optimize minerals (andesite), PT Nurmuda Cahaya is expanding its mining bbusiness linceses to continue to increase production of andesite.To improve the quantity of andesite stones from the results of mining activities PT Nurmuda Cahaya designed a crushing plant with production target 300 ton/hr. Andesite stone processing activities at PT Nurmuda Cahaya,s crushing plant unit consist of four stage : feeding using a vibrating feeder, primary crushing using a jaw crusher, secondary crushing using a cone crusher and sizing using a vibrating screen. The crushing plant unit is also assisted by supporting tolls such as hoopers and conveyor belts.Incoming feed as much as 360 tons/hour with a material size of 50 cm with the assumption that the material will undergo a proses of processing of  85% and 15% of the materials is assumed as tailing. The tools used in the crushing plant unit are one hooper with 217 m3 capacity, 1 ZSW600x130 vibrating feeder, 1 PE-870x1060III jaw crusher, 1 PYB-1750II cone crusher, 1 3YK1854 vibrating screen and 7 conveyor belts. The final product is divided into 4 types  namely split 1 (-3 + 2 cm), split 2 (-2 + 1 cm), split 3 (-1 + 0,5 cm), and stone ash (-0,5 cm) with the number production of  303,69 tons/hour. The results of the crushing plant design can meet the production target of 300 tons / hour.


Keywords : Crushing Plant, Production, Jaw Crusher, Vibrating Screen,     Conveyor belts.


Abstrak. PT Nurmuda Cahaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan dengan komoditas bahan galian batu andesit. Perusahaan ini terletak di Desa Batujajar Timur, Kecamatan Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dan juga mengoptimalkan  bahan galian (batu andesit), PT Nurmuda Cahaya melakukan perluasan izin usaha pertambangan agar terus dapat meningkatkan produksi batu andesit.

Untuk meningkatkan kuantitas batu andesit dari hasil kegiatan penambangan  PT Nurmuda Cahaya melakukan perancangan crushing plant dengan target produksi 300 ton/jam. Kegiatan pengolahan batu andesit pada unit crushing plant PT Nurmuda Cahaya terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu pengumpanan menggunakan vibrating feeder, primary crushing dengan menggunakan jaw crusher, secondary crushing dengan menggunakan cone crusher dan sizing menggunakan vibrating screen. Unit crushing plant juga dibantu oleh alat penunjang yaitu hooper dan belt conveyor. Feed yang masuk sebanyak 360 ton/jam dengan ukuran material sebesar 500 mm dengan asumsi material yang akan mengalami proses pengolahan sebesar 85% dan 15% dari material diasumsikan sebagai pengotor. Alat yang digunakan pada unit crushing plant yaitu,  satu buah hopper dengan kapasitas 217 m3, 1 buah vibrating feeder ZSW600x130,1 buah jaw crusher type PE-870x1060III, 1 buah cone crusher type PYB-1750II, 1 buah vibrating screen 3YK1854, dan 7 buah belt conveyor.Produk akhir dibagi menjadi 4 jenis yaitu split 1 (-3+2 cm), split 2 (-2+1 cm), split 3 (-1+0,5 cm) dan abu batu (-0,5 cm) dengan jumlah produksi sebesar 303,69 ton/jam. Hasil Perancangan crushing plant dapat memenuhi target produksi 300 ton/jam.


Kata Kunci : Crushing Plant, Production, Jaw Crusher, Vibrating Screen, Conveyor belts.


Crushing Plant, Production, Jaw Crusher, Vibrating Screen, Conveyor belts

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