Economic Study With Sensitivity Analysis Of Coal Mining At PT Fosil Energi Nusantara, Muara Emil And Pagar Dewa Village, Tanjung Agung District, Muara Enim Regency, North Sumatera Province

Yunnia Wulandari, Zaenal Zaenal, Sri Widiyati


The mining industry is one of industry that need of a big investment, high technology and high risks. For manage the mining industry need a basic knowledge about economical of the mining industry for knowing relation between investment and advantages. The point also based from unstable world oil’s value.
Economic study only carried based mine design concept such as required costs, revenue, cash flow, discounted rate of return or internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, and sensitivity analysis.
Sensitivity analysis is analysis carried for knowing impact from changes in production parameters of changes the performance of production system in generating profits. With sensitivity analysis, impact that possible to happen from that changes will determine and anticipation before that, in this case is changes of fuel price.
From the result of the economic assessment of fuel consumption of coal mining in PT Fosil Energi Nusantara, Muara Emil and Pagar Dewa Village, Tanjung Agung District, Muara Enim Regency, North Sumatera Province with mining area covering an area of 95,18 Ha has a capital cost of Rp 85.767.457.500 which filled with their own capital without a loan to the bank. With an interest rate of 8% was obtained Net Present Value of Rp 80.788.220.932; Internal Rate of Return of 21% obtained with a MARR (minimum IRR) of 10% and payback period obtained for 2 years and 6 months. Most sensitive of PT Fosil Energi Nusantara is decreasing coal selling price by 24,88 %; moderate of sensitive is increasing of production cost by 35,39 %; and low of sensitive is increasing fuel cost by 61,198 %.


Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, Sensitivity Analysis


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