Evaluasi Produksi Crushing Plant terhadap Peningkatan Produksi di PT. Buana Nur Barokah Kecamatan Cimahi Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat

Octo Fredy Syahputra, Linda Pulungan, Sriyanti Sriyanti


Abstract. This research was intended to evaluate the production in the unit of crushing plant, therefore to improvement the increase of the production in PT. Buana Nur Barokah, Cimahi sub-district, Cimahi City, West Java, which currently its production target is 25,000 tons/month, and evaluate the things that caused the production of the target was not achieved. The problems gained in this end-task activities lie in the aspects that affect the production performance of the Crusher unit, among others: how long the resistance occurs in the unit of crushing plant. What amount of production is produced every crusher tool and the efficiency of crusher equipment on the unit of crushing plant. How much loose materials on the unit of crushing plant. Whether the selection of tools can meet the production targets. Based on the results of the research and observations in the field of the crushing plant unit at PT Buana Nur Barokah that the production target of 25,000 tons/month was not achieved due to problems that occurred during production activities due to bearing damage to the jaw crusher, replacement of the deck screening and repair of the rollers and rubber belts conveyor with a barrier time of 01.15 hours per day, natural factors can be caused by weather or rain with a time resistance of 0.06 hours per day. and humans factors are caused by the blockage of material inside the hopper due to the error of the dump truck operator when loading material into the hopper with a resistance time of 0.19 hours per day. Human factors can be caused by the blockage of material in the hopper due to operator error dump truck when loading material into the hopper with a resistance time of 0.19 hours per day. Therefore, from the observations and calculations, the company's production target of 25,000 tons / month was not achieved due to the effective time of the tool which was only 4.59 with an effectiveness of 60.59% hours/day for primary crushing and effective time of the tool 6.8 with an effectiveness of 89.96% hours/day for secondary crushing. also material entering the hopper is 20,912,9902 tons/month.

Keywords: crushing plant, Roller, Hopper, Belt Conveyor, Loosematerials


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi di unit crushing plant, sehinga dapat dilakukan peningkatan produksi di PT Buana Nur Barokah Kecamatan Cimahi, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, yang saat ini target produksinya 25.000 ton/bulan, dan mengevaluasi hal-hal yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target produksi tersebut. Permasalahan yang didapat dalam kegiatan tugas akhir ini terletak pada aspek yang mempengaruhi kinerja produksi unit crusher, antara lain : Berapa lama waktu hambatan yang terjadi pada unit crushing plant. Berapa jumlah produksi yang dihasilkan setiap alat crusher dan efisiensi alat crusher pada unit crushing plant. Seberapa besar loosematerials pada unit crushing plant. Apakah pemilihan alat dapat memenuhi target produksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengamatan di lapangan terhadap unit crushing plant di PT Buana Nur Barokah diketahui bahwa target produksi 25.000 ton/bulan tidak tercapai disebabkan masalah yang terjadi selama kegiatan produksi berlangsung yaitu  kerusakan bearing pada jaw crusher, penggantian deck screening dan perbaikan roller dan karet belt conveyor dengan waktu hambatan sebesar 01,15 jam per hari , Faktor alam dapat disebabkan oleh cuaca atau terjadinya hujan dengan waktu hambatan sebesar 0,06 jam per hari, dan faktor manusia disebabkan  terjadinya penyumbatan material di dalam hopper yang dikarenakan kesalahan operator dump truck pada saat memasukkan material ke dalam hopper dengan waktu hambatan sebesar 0,19 jam per hari. Maka dari hasil pengamatan dan perhitungan, target produksi perusahaan 25.000 ton/bulan tidak tercapai disebabkan oleh waktu efektif alat yang hanya 4.59 dengan efektifitas 60,59% jam/hari untuk primary crushing dan waktu efektif alat 6.8 dengan 89,96% jam/hari untuk secondary crushing. Selain itu juga material yang masuk ke hopper yaitu 20,912.9902 ton/bulan.

Kata kunci : crushing plant, Roller, Hopper, Belt Conveyor, Loosematerials


crushing plant, Roller, Hopper, Belt Conveyor, Loosematerials

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v6i2.23853

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