Analisis Optimasi Pencampuran Batubara untuk Memenuhi Target Produksi Market Brand di PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, Kecamatan Tenggarong Seberang, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

Haeril Desnitigina, Sriyanti Sriyanti, Stefano Munir


Abstract. In order to meet the coal export market demand in May 2018 according to quality parameters, PT MSJ operates the Block E open pit mine for 11 coal seam with production of 243,064.25 tons, of which there are 4 layers of LTS, 2 layers of MTS, and 5 layers of HTS. PT MSJ classifies coal in the stockpile based on TS levels, which is type LTS with a level of ≤ 1%, type MTS with levels> 1 to ,51.5%, and type HTS with levels> 1.5%. So that PT MSJ needs to do a good stockpile management in order to meet the export coal specifications requested by Tangshan Port (China), namely TM ≤ 23%, Ash ≤ 4.5%, TS ≤ 1.55%, CV ≥ 5,700 Kcal / Kg, and tonnage of 68,195 tons, and Toyota Tsusho (Japan), namely TM TM 22%, TS ≤ 1.45%, CV ≥ 5,700 Kcal / Kg, and tonnage 41,350 Tons. During this time, PT MSJ conducted a method of stocking chevron stockpiling with conventional blending methods. In this study comparing the results of the conventional method composition with the simplex method (POM - QM software for Windows), in order to determine the optimal composition of each type of coal LTS, MTS, and HTS according to the specifications requested by consumers. The results of the conventional coal blending performance, that is for Tangshan Port, requires LTS type coal 26.0345%, MTS type 4.691%, and HTS type 69.2745%, with blending results are TM 20.89%, Ash 4.42%, TS 1, 55%, CV 5,700 Kkal / Kg, while for Toyota Tsusho requires LTS type 17,9532%, MTS type 38,5016%, HTS type 43,5452%, with blending results are TM 20,78%, TS 1,45 %, CV 5,700 Kkal / Kg. From the results of the mixing performance of conventional methods and the simplex method both can be achieved, but the use of the simplex method results is more optimal when viewed from the needs of the tonnage. o that the composition using the simplex method is recommended for loading coal to the barge.

Keywords: Quality of Coal, Coal Blending, Stockpile, Conventional Method, Simplex Method.

Abstrak. Dalam rangka memenuhi permintaan (demand) pasar ekspor batubara pada Mei 2018 menurut parameter kualitasnya, PT MSJ mengoperasikan tambang open pit Blok E sebanyak 11 coal seam dengan produksi sebesar 243.064,25 Ton, di mana terdapat 4 lapisan LTS, 2 lapisan MTS, dan 5 lapisan HTS. PT MSJ mengelompokkan batubara di stockpile berdasarkan kadar TS, yaitu tipe LTS dengan kadar  ≤ 1%, tipe MTS dengan kadar >1 s/d ≤1,5%, dan tipe HTS dengan kadar > 1,5%. Sehingga  PT MSJ perlu melakukan manajemen stockpile yang baik agar dapat memenuhi spesifikasi batubara ekspor yang diminta oleh Tangshan Port (China) yaitu TM ≤ 23%, Ash ≤ 4,5%, TS ≤ 1,55%, CV ≥ 5.700 Kkal/Kg, dan tonase 68.195 Ton, serta Toyota Tsusho (Jepang) yaitu TM ≤ 22%, TS ≤ 1,45%, CV ≥ 5.700 Kkal/Kg, dan tonase 41.350 Ton. Selama ini PT MSJ menerapkan metode penimbunan chevron stockpiling dengan metode pencampuran secara konvensional. Pada penelitian ini membandingan hasil komposisi metode konvensional dengan metode simplex (software POM – QM for Windows), dalam rangka menentukan komposisi paling optimal dari setiap tipe batubara LTS, MTS, dan HTS menurut spesifikasi yang diminta oleh konsumen. Hasil kinerja pencampuran batubara metode konvensional yaitu untuk Tangshan Port membutuhkan batubara tipe LTS 26,0345%, tipe MTS 4,691%, dan tipe HTS 69,2745%, dengan hasil pencampuran yaitu TM 20,89%, Ash 4,42%, TS 1,55%, CV 5.700 Kkal/Kg, sedangkan untuk Toyota Tsusho membutuhkan batubara tipe LTS 17,9532%, tipe MTS 38,5016%, tipe HTS 43,5452%, dengan hasil pencampuran yaitu TM 20,78%, TS 1,45%, CV 5.700 Kkal/Kg. Dari hasil kinerja pencampuran metode konvensional dan metode simplex keduanya dapat tercapai, tetapi penggunaan metode simplex hasilnya lebih optimal apabila dilihat dari kebutuhan tonase nya. Sehingga hasil komposisi menggunakan metode simplex tersebut direkomendasikan untuk pemuatan batubara menuju barge.

Kata Kunci: Kualitas Batubara, Coal Blending, Stockpile, Metode Konvensional, Metode Simplex.


Kualitas Batubara, Coal Blending, Stockpile, Metode Konvensional, Metode Simplex.

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