Analysis of the Management of Muhammadiyah Subject Learning in the Primary School Muhammadiyah 7 Bandung

Rizky Ramadhan Hidayat


Science and Technology developments have seriously affected behavior and culture of people. The negative effect of such impact is very strong. Education should be the forefront to tackle this reality. In this context, some schools attempt to apply the concept of school curriculum, which is different from other schools in improving the quality of education. Curriculum and learning are two things that cannot be separated. As a plan or program, the curriculum will not be meaningful when it is not implemented in the form of learning. Vice versa, without a clear curriculum as a reference, learning will not take place effectively. The Primary School Muhammadiyah 7 Bandung is a school that has a distinctive curriculum containing Ismubaristik (Al-Islam, Muhammadiyah, Arabic, English, and Information Communication Technology). With the aim of fostering learners in understanding the material Muhammadiyah (cognitive) skills and training to learning (affective) applied in everyday life (psychomotor). The purpose of this study is to determine the learning management of Muhammadiyah subject through planning, implementation, and assessment carried out in Grade IV to VI of the Promary School Muhammadiyah 7 Bandung. This research used descriptive analytical method. Data collection techniques covered interviews, observations, and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that (1) the planning of Muhammadiyah subject is carried out by teachers with preparing lessons while the lesson plan and the syllabus has been prepared by a special team; (2) the study of Muhammadiyah subject implements measures that include apperception early activity, core activities including exploration, elaboration, confirmation, as well as the end of learning activities that include follow-up activities; and (3) studying the Muhammadiyah subject is done by using formative and summative tests. Components of assessment include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.


learning, planning, implementation, assessment


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