The Educational Values of Hadith by Bukhari on Orientation and Actualization of Women's Empowerment and Potential

Latipah Sopiah Paojiah


Islam is a perfect religion. Obviously, there is no doubt on the rules in the Holy Quran and the Hadith. A Hadith that says women are less religious and less sense is not misogyny. Women as human beings of the opposite sex with men do not indicate discrimination. Deeds will be judged respectively, but in the order of life (mu'amalah) women and men have to race and enhance each other. Women with the character, temperament, and traits have great potential, although various negative views isolate women’s position and role. Thus, to eliminate any doubt of the truth of hadith narrated by Bukhari and instill its values, the study began by reviewing (a) Sharh of the hadith narrated by Bukhari about the orientation and actualization of women empowering; (b) the essence of the hadith; (c) the concept of women in Islamic teaching and scholarly perspective with related theories; (d) the value of education of the hadith. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis, while the technique is the study of literature. As results of assessment, the essences contained in the hadith narrated by Bukhari are that (1) Islam does not discriminate women and men in terms of gender equity and equality as servants of God; (2) The specificity of women compared to men due to anatomical and physiological differences affects the function of the role of women; (3) Achievement and actualization of women depend on a variety of potential, position, role in the family and in social life. The educational values of of the hadith narrated by Bukhari are that (1) Obey worship to God to restore men and women on the nature of humanity; (2) The function of the role of adult women determine the progress or regress of civilization; (3) Potential and self-actualization is directed and empowered women in education efforts.


Empowerment, Potential, self-actualization, Women


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