The Management of the Learning Content of the Character-Based Local Material of Islamic Education in the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandung

shinta dewi chandra, shinta dewi chandra


Islamic education is an effort to develop devotion to the Creator and to educate people to be able to have religious knowledge and to shape character/good akhlaq. Muslims, especially youth, is in need of a better understanding of the religion, because the youth is a valuable asset to the nation and the religion to be successor of da’wah to spread Islam to the world. With the deepening of religious knowledge, it is expected the youth will avoid negative association and behaviors that are continuously evolving. In supporting the development of religious knowledge and maintaining relationships, especially teenagers, the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandung applies the Character-Based Local Material of Islamic Education. For example, they apply religious education and character education in an integrated content. Therefore, the research is entitled “The Management of the Learning Content of the Character-Based Local Material of Islamic Education in the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandungâ€. The purpose of this study is to determine the learning content of the character-based local material of Islamic Education in the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandung; to investigate the implementation of character-based local material of Islamic Education in the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandung; and to know the evaluation/assessment character-based local material of Islamic Education in the Aisyiyah Boarding Junior High-School of Bandung. The research is a qualitative. The method was descriptive analytical by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation study. The data were collected for analysis, concluded, and arranged systematically. The results are in the form of documents such as syllabus and lesson plans that comprehensively emphasize knowledge, skills, and attitude. Implementation of learning is done through the introduction, core activities, and cover to emphasize the cultivation of character. Evaluation or assessment of the local material used an assessment instrument consisting of a written test; oral test; test deed containing the names of students achieved proficiency levels, and information; attitude test containing test attitude and attitude scale containing statements and information scale.


Character, Local Material of Islamic Education, Takhassus


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