The Educational Implications of Verse 10-11 of Surah Saba on the Actualization of Self-Potential towads Amal Shalih

Naqiya Salsabila, Adliyah Ali, Adang M Tsaury


Humankind is the perfect creature created by Allah on earth. The purpose of human creation on earth is to be Abdullah, servant of Allah, who has a fundamental duty to worship the Creator; and to be Khalifah to serve and to enforce the laws of Allah and the charge of tending and prosperity of the earth. To carry out these tasks, a human is equipped with a set of potential. The awarded potential has a function and can grow well. As Khalifah and Abdullah with a wide range of basic potential, a human should actualize their potential into an inner strength that can support the roles and duties to the fullest. The purposes of this study are (1) to determine the opinions of the commentators of the Holy Quran, Surah Saba, Verses 10-11; (2) to know the essence contained in the verses; (3) to know the experts' study on the concept of self-actualization of the potential of good deeds; (4) to know the educational implications of the verses. The method used in this research is descriptive method that has several steps ranging from the data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and inference. The results of the study reveal that the verses contain several essences that (1) God has provided the basic potential in human beings, and this potential can develop; (2) All the gifts should always be used to do good deeds with sincerity, according to ability and position and to add obedience to God; and (3) There is a need for guidance and direction in order to actualize our potential. The analysis concludes that the verses contain educational implications such as (a) the potential bestowed by God; (B) potential to do good and do wrong. (C) Horizontal (between fellow creatures of God) and vertical (between human and God) relations should be maintained; (D) Creative; (E) Be grateful and obedient to Allah.


Humankind, Self-Potential, Amal Shalih


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