Educational Implications of Verses 1-9 of Surah Al-Mu'minun of the Holy Quran About Character Education

Herlina Herlina, H.U Saepudin Ahmad Syatibi, Beni Suhendar


Verses 1-9 of Surah Al-Mu'minun of the Holy Quran describe the properties owned by a believer, so that they have the luck given by Allah. The properties of such character are inherent in a believer. Therefore, these characters have implications for human life to instill character through character education in life. Character education is the work done to help a person understand, maintain, are concerned about the good things and behave in accordance with the values ​​of noble character in daily life, so that through the character education can embody the values ​​of good character and to apply them in life daily either within the family, school and community. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) Interpretation of Verses 1-9 of Surah Al-Mu'minun of the Holy Quran, according to the commentators. 2) Opinion of educational experts about character education. 3) The value of character education contained in the verses. 4) The educational implications of the verses. The method used in this research is descriptive analytic methods and approaches tahlili interpretation methods. The essence of Verses 1-9 of Surah Al-Mu'minun of the Holy Quran is that (1) A believer is that those who get the luck of God because they have good qualities in living their lives, among which those khusyu in prayer, those who abstain from behaviors that are not useful, they pay zakat, those maintaining farjinya (sex). those maintaining mandates and promise, and they are maintaining their prayers, so that they remain committed and in running his worship, as well as better utilize the time as best as possible in life; and (2) The properties are applied in everyday life in carrying out Allah's commands and maintain a good relationship with him (hablum minallah) and maintain good relationships with fellow human beings (hablum minannaas) are mutually tighten the relationship and improve behavior in daily lives and foster a sense of social with other people. the values ​​of character education is based on the Verses is (a) Education Faith, (b) Education Coaching Salah khusyu, (c) Education Discipline, (d) social Education, (e) Self-control of Encouragement Lust, (f) Avoiding Morals Disgraced, (g) Education Honesty, (h) Education Commission and the Promise, and (i) the Smart Living Prayer. Implications of education contained in the Verses are (1) human behavior is relationship with God (hablum minallah); (2) human behavior related to each other (hablum minannaas) which includes (a) Conduct themselves, (b) Conduct related to the family, (c) Conduct related to society.


Al-Mu'minun, Character Education, Faith.


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