The Educational Implications of Verses 32-34 of Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran about suggestion for Women to Stay at Home against Mother’s Responsibilities in the Family

Annida Diniyya, Ikin Asikin, Fitroh Hayati


Islam is a religion that respect, maintain, and glorify the women status. Therefore, Allah orders women to be able to maintain their dignity, family, and husband. The order was contained in the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab in Verses 32-34, in which Allah orders the women to keep ethics in speaking, prioritize house business than others, and avoid the behavior of earlier Jahiliyyah people. The house is a shelter for women of all negative things like preventing libel, the act that reflects the previous ignorance. If a wife or a mother is able to discharge responsibilities with a maximum in the household, then the house will be very glorified by Allah for them and it becomes the highest profession for women before Allah Almighty. The responsibility of mother or wife is a trust that must be implemented and requires seriousness and skill in carrying out responsibilities, as a wife for her husband and at the same time as educator for their children. The formulation and the goal of this study are to determine (1) opinion of mufassirs about Verses 32-34 of Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran, (2) essences contained in the verses, (3) opinion of experts about the responsibilities of a mother in the family, (4) Implications of education contained in Verses 32-34 of Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran on the advice remain at home to the responsibilities of the mother in the family. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis method. According to Winarno (1989: 139), the descriptive method is an investigation that is focused on solving problems that exist in the present. Technique used in this research was the study of literature. Results summary of some of the opinions mufassir reveal some essences. (1) Islam requires that a mother always put her house in order to able to carry out their roles and functions as a wife for her husband. (2) Islam requires a mother to avoid ignorance behavior when going out of the house. (3) Islam requires that a mother always put her house in order to carry out role, function as a supervisor, and mentor for her children. (4) A mother has a strategic role in the family because she determines the climate of the family. The implications contained in Verses 32-34 of Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran include several things. (1) A mother should make the house as the main place for life constantly filled with the grace of Allah Almighty. (2) A mother should be able to carry out responsibilities as a wife who is always obedient and submissive to her husband and be a friend, a reminder, and a mood booster for her husband. (3) A mother should be able to maintain honor and dignity of herself and his family. (4) A mother should be among the first to teach the Holy Quran to their children in everyday life.


Verses 32-34 of Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran


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