The Educational Values of the Hadith by Malik About the Prayer Before Eating in Search of Rizqi Blessing

Abdul Rokhim, Adliyah Ali, Ikin Asikin


Allah does not only create human beings and other creatures, but he also prepares all needs covering cloth, food, housing, shelter, and others. Likewise, Allah does not give the origin of rizqi, but He provides the best rizqi for human beings as glory of human form, in search of a human rizqi confronted with various forms of rizqi both licit and illicit. If the provision is lawful then Allah will give blessing. However, if the provision is illicit then God will not give blessing. Instead, that will cause people to go to hell. Therefore, there should be effort to cultivate an understanding of the meaning of the blessing of rizqi, which is based on the hadith of prayer before eating. Based on the description, the purpose of this study are (1) to know the opinion regarding the content of the Hadith by Malik bin Anas of the sentence prayer Allahumma bariklana fima razaqtana adzab waqina azab an-nar; (2) to know the essence of the prayer sentence; (3) to determine the opinions of education experts regarding the concept of blessing; (4) to determine the educational implications hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik about the sentence prayer. This research used descriptive method with literature. The work was undertaken by reviewing various sources of hadith and books related to the subject matter being studied. The results of the hadith narrated by Malik cover (1) among the etiquette of eating and drinking is reading a prayer, as a means to remember God has given rizqi; (2) the essence of prayer before the meal is to keep their educational efforts to instill an understanding of the importance of pursuing and seeking rizqi and thoyib based on the essence of prayer before the meal; (3) according to the experts of Education (scholars), rizqi blessing is spread out on the earth both material and immaterial, including halal food consumed, perfect and grow as well as a lot of the good and loved by Allah; (4) the implications of education in the hadith by malik, namely one should be careful in seeking rizqi with good road and right according to the teachings of Islam, an obligation for a Muslim to get the reward with Allah in addition to getting rizqi that is halal and blessed.


Prayer, Rizqi, Blessing


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