Educational Implications of Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah on the Duties of Teacher Towards Aqidah Development Efforts

Yadi Sukma Gunadi, Aep Saepudin, Adliyah Ali


Human being is the perfect creatures of Allah. Human being has a nature of monotheism that need to be nurtured by the educators. The Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah describes the task of educators in order to foster existing human creed in accordance with the teachings of Allah. The purpose of this study is to (1) determine the opinions of the commentators on the task of the Prophet in the Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah; (2) reveal the essence contained in the Verse 129; (3) find out the opinion of educational experts on the task of educators to the faith development efforts; (4) determine the educational implications of the Verse about the task of educators to aqidah development efforts. The method used in this research is descriptive and literature study to examine a collection of library materials containing relevant information linked with the subject matter researchers. The results of this study cover several things. (1) The task of the Prophet in the prayer covers reading the contents of the Qur'an that contain evidence of the oneness of Allah, teaching the contents of the Qur'an, teaching laws of Personality to enhance the soul, teaching lessons in sunna of the Prophet, and Purifying obedient to God and servitude to Him, purifying monotheism. (2) The essence of Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah are to deliver the teachings of Allah so that human beings have a strong aqidah; to develop a man with Ta'lim Al-Quran and Al-Hikmah so that people run the Sunnah of the Prophet as a charity; to purify human spirit out of idolatry and disobedience. According to education experts, educators have a duty and an important role in fostering the faith of students. Educational implications of Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah are that educators as successor of the Prophets must foster the faith of students. The efforts made by educators are to (1) read the phrase of unity and foster children; (2) foster children to worship since the age of 7 years; (3) foster children to instill the love to Allah and the Prophet and instill the values ​​of sacrifice and struggle; (4) teach the Quran to children to love reading the Quran; Introduce the laws of halal and haram; and (6) guide through muhasabah and introspection.


Duties of Teacher, Aqidah Development, Verse 129 of Surah Al-Baqaraah


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