The Improvement of Taqwa in Obtaining the Degree of Furqaan (Hidaya Taufiq) based on the Verse 29 of Surah Al Anfal of the Holy Quran

Asep Awaludin, Dedih Surana, A Mujahid Rasyid


The Verse 29 of Surah Al Anfal of the Holy Quran contains an explanation of the reward for the pious. The importance of taqwa in the Verse 29 of Surah Al Anfal of the Holy Quran is that human being can be build, maintain, and keep self, so that he/she will gain happiness in this world and in the hereafter. As for happiness, human needs the guidance of Allah. Hidaya taufiq is a gift of Allah that is given to human so that human can always be on the right path. In contrast to the guidance in general, taufiq guidance is not given for free but it takes effort to achieve. The method used in this research was descriptive method. The investigation was focused on solving the problems that exist at the present time. The descriptive methods of investigation included various descriptive techniques, of which the investigation is said, analyze, and classify. The essence of the Verse 29 of Surah Al Anfal of the Holy Quran includes several things. (1) Allah commanded His people to always devote and carry out all His commands and leaving all of his ban. (2) Hidayah taufiq is given by Allah to His servants to distinguish right and wrong. (3) Hidayah taufiq (furqan) can be achieved by a servant of God of efforts to increase taqwa. Several implications are contained in the Verse 29 of Surah Al Anfal of the Holy Quran. (1) Every Muslim should instill an understanding of the faith and the things to achieve taqwa. (2) Every Muslim should use the opportunity to use the guidance of God's guidance that already exists. (3) Every Muslim should always maintain taqwa to Allah SWT.


Improvement, devotion, Taufiq Hidayah


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