Efektivitas Model Problem Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa di SD Plus Nurul Aulia Cimahi.

Zahra Humaira, Aep Saepuddin, Alhamuddin Alhamuddin


Abstract. The background of this research problem is that many educational institutions are aware of the need for an approach in learner centered, learning process because the teacher centered model makes the students less active. Reality in general, until now the teaching and learning process subjects focused on teachers and less focused on students. This fact proves indisputably rigid learning system, does not bring students to real life both in concept and experience understanding, while teachers are required delalu creative and innovative in the learning process. One of the learning models that enable the development of students' thinking skills (reasoning, communication and connection) is problem based learning. Elementary School Plus Nurul Aulia Cimahi is one of the schools that has attention to improving the quality of learning. Therefore, the problem is how the effectiveness and the process of implementing learning problem based learning model on Islamic Religious Education subjects. This study aims to describe and analyze related to the effectiveness and learning process of Islamic Religious Education. The type of research used is experimental research, taking the background of Elementary School Plus Nurul Aulia Cimahi. Data collision is done by observation, interview, documentation. Data analysis was done by doing pretest, test of data normality, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing then drawn conclusion. The result of the research shows that (1) The pretest result of the experimental class before using the problem based learning model is that most of the 5th grade have not been able to solve the problem well. (2) Based on the result of learning problem-based learning pattern is simply arranged by using infocus as media, using story approach, divide the students in several groups to present the result. (3) Pretest and post test results after using problem based learning to see the effectiveness is known that there is an increase in student learning outcomes and to test the hypothesis concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after using problem based learning model.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Problem Based Learning, Islamic Religious Education

Abstrak. Latar belakang masalah  penelitian ini adalah banyak institusi pendidikan yang menyadari perlunya pendekatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa (learner centered) karena model teacher centered membuat siswa kurang aktif. Kenyataan pada umumnya, hingga saat ini proses belajar mengajar mata pelajaran terfokus pada guru dan kurang terfokus pada siswa. Hal ini terbukti terindikasi sistem pembelajaran yang masih kaku, tidak membawa siswa kepada kehidupan nyata baik dalam pemaham konsep maupun pengalaman, sementara guru dituntut delalu kreatif dan inovatif dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan dikembangkannya keterampilan berpifikir siswa (penalaran, komunikasi dan koneksi) adalah problem based learning. SD Plus Nurul Aulia Cimahi adalah salah satu sekolah yang memiliki perhatian terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, permasalahannya adalah bagaimana keefektifan dan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran model problem based learning pada mata pelajaran PAI. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis terkait keektifan dan proses pembelajaran PAI. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian eksperimen, dengan mengambil latar SD Plus Nurul Aulia Cimahi. Pengempulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan pretest, uji normalitas data, uji homogenitas dan pengujian hipotesis kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Hasil pretest kelas eksperimen sebelum menggunakan model problem based learning adalah sebagian besar kelas 5 belum mampu memecahkan masalahnya dengan baik. (2) Berdasarkan hasil pola pembelajaran problem based learning adalah cukup tersusun dengan menggunakan infocus sebagai media, menggunakan pendekatan cerita, membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok untuk mempresentasikan hasilnya. (3) Hasil pretest dan post test setelah menggunakan problem based learning untuk melihat efektivitas diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan dalam hasil belajar siswa dan untuk uji hipotesis disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaaan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan model problem based learning.

Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Problem Based Learning, Pendidikan Agama Islam


Efektivitas, Problem Based Learning, Pendidikan Agama Islam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.10299