Decision-Making Multikriteria by Using Fuzzy SAW to Determine Promotion of Job in the Company

Muhammad Faqih Albani, Didi Suhaedi, Eti Kurniati


Promotion is no longer unusual in a company.  Every employee want the chance to have their positions raised and moved to a higher office,  but often in the process of selecting the right employee to be promoted,  the results are unsatisfactory.  This is caused by certain factors that influence the overall decision making process,  among which are considering subjective reasons and the use of incorrect decision making methods.  This had become a serious problem,  and realistic and measurable solutions are needed.  Fuzzy logic is a logic that vagues the value of right or wrong.  With fuzzy logics,  a value can be assessed as both right and wrong,  but the level of correctness depends on the weighing factors.  Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM is a case in which the correct alternatives depends on a few criteria,  one of the method used for decision making is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method.  This research puts together fuzzy logic with SAW to achieve objective results.


Decision-Making, Fuzzy SAW, Promotion of Job.


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