Pengaplikasian Teori Graf pada Analisis Jejaring Sosial dalam Struktur Organisasi Unisba di Bawah Pimpinan Warek I Menggunakan Aplikasi Microsoft Nodexl

Luluil Muflihah, Yani Ramdani, Erwin Harahap


Perkembangan teknologi berdampak pada pengembangan jaringan sosial. Jaringan sosial dapat dibentuk dalam graf. Perhitungan keterhubungan dalam jaringan sosial digunakan Microsoft NodeXL. Perhitungan ini dilakukan untuk menentukan derajat dalam dari vertek (InDegree), derajat luar (OutDegree), sentralitas perantara (Betweenness Centrality), sentralitas kedekatan (Closeness Centrality), sentralitas vektor eigen (Eigen Vector Centrality) dan koefisien kluster (Clustering Coefficient). Hasil perhitungan diperoleh: nilai InDegree dan OutDegree terbesar dipegang oleh Wakil Rektor 1 dengan nilai sebesar 8. Between Centrality terbesar dipegang oleh Wadek 1 dan Wadek 2 dengan nilai 81. Closeness Centrality terbesar diraih Wakil Rektor 1 dengan nilai 0.018 Sedangkan untuk Eigenvector Centrality diduduki oleh Fakultas (Dekan) dengan nilai 0.107. Clustering Coefficient tertinggi dimiliki oleh Rektor, Seksi Administrasi, Akademik, Seksi Administrasi Umum, Seksi Administrasi Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Fakultas dengan nilai 1.


As the latest development of  technology, many technologies for analyzing social networks are emerging.Therefore,in accordance with these developments, the authors utilizes an application which has capabilityto analyze social networks using graph theory as a science of its application. In this article, Microsoft NodeXL is used as an application that can improve the process of the analysis of social network. This analysis is conducted to determine the results of the study that showed as vertex degrees in (InDegree), degrees outside (OutDegree), the centrality of the intermediary (Betweenness centrality), the centrality of the proximity (closeness centrality), the centrality of the eigenvector (Eigen Vector centrality) and coefficient of clusters (Clustering Coefficient) . The results of this study can be concluded that the Vice-Chancellor 1 has the greatest responsibility, however in terms of the most important positions,actually, the Faculty who have the most important positions in the management of the organization under the leadership of  Vice-Chancellor 1 UNISBA.


social networks, graph theory, microsoft nodexl


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