Bank Rakyat Indonesia’s Motivation On Improving Employee’s Performance

Aliviani Rahma Binadzier, Ike Junita Triwardhani


Motivation is a psychological process that drives someone to do something. Motivation can come from a boost inside and outside of oneself. It is important for any agency / company to understand the motivation, because motivation is closely linked to the productivity and success of individuals and companies to reach their goals. Labor productivity is influenced by motivation, therefore, individuals who have high motivation tend to be more productive than individuals who have low motivation. The purpose of this study is to determine the kinds of motivation given by PT.BRI Branch of  Asia and Africa in improving employee performance, to determine the obstacles that BRI face when it provides motivation to improve the performance of employees, and to find out the benefits of motivation Which BRI has when motivation is applied to improve employee performance. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a descriptive study approach. Data is obtained through direct interviews with Mirdyawati Ardyarini Bawono as Commercial Marketing Manager at PT. BRI Branch of Asia Afrika, Dadi Sutedi as Supervisor of Human Resources at PT. BRI branch Asia Afrika, Muhammad Ikhsan as ADK Supervisor Branch PT.BRI Briguna in Asia and Africa. In addition, data is also obtained through library research and observation. Based on the result of the research conducted finally it shows to us that what BRI has achieved is because BRI is able to build the internal and external motivation to its employees by enforcing a system of reward and punishment strictly and consistently. In addition, it is known also what constraints and benefits of providing motivation to employees which PT.BRI Branch of Asia Africa  get so that finally the motivation affect employee’s morale to be well established.


Motivation, kinds of motivation, The constraints of providing motivation, The benefits of motivation


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