Storytelling of Insurance Agent in Personal Selling Activity

Santika Ayuning Dita


The usage of storytelling is a special characteristic in insurance personal selling activity and has been acknowledged as the most effective selling method for insurance product.Varies of studies has elaborated the process of personal selling but it has not been elaborated systematically as how storytelling could be implemented in the process of personal selling by insurance agent.The method used in this study is qualitative study using single holistic case study approach.The result of this study shows that storytelling is used by means of its capability in alluring client’s attention, giving a better comprehension, as well as changing client’s attitude in form of bringing out their desire towards the product. The method used in the activity is built by deciding story’s structure which is adjusted to the complexion and coherence of the content, and also the type of story which is found that The New Business Model Story type is effective for telling about the product whereas The Burning Platform Story, The Springboard Story, and The Story From The Past, could also be told in the purpose of clarifying a problem. The message deliverance is done by giving positive symbols (such as smile, exclamations, and laugh), language (the structure and personalization of language adjusted according to the listener), and sufficient non-verbal aspects. It is also has to be adjusted to the initial goals aimed in constructing certain conditions. Brand is associated according to the potential client’s need which is inquired beforehand on the pre-approach stage of personal selling.


Insurance Agent, Marketing Communication, Personal Selling, Storytelling.


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