Promotion Strategies By PT. PLN (Persero) To Socialize Prepaid Electricity Service

Mentari Maliki, Udung Noor Rosyad


PT PLN provides a prepaid electricty system in order to give a better service compared to mechanical or postpaid electricity services. However, as a result of the lack of knowledge regarding the advantages and work method of Prepaid Electricity service, most of our community still haven't used this service. Therefore, PT PLN decides to use promotional strategies to its potential consumers in order to promote prepaid electricity service and grow the number of its users. The purposes of this research is to find out the promotional strategy ideas done by PT. PLN in promoting prepaid electricity service and how to solve inhibiting factors in promotional activities done by PT. PLN in promoting its prepaid electricity service, to find out the background of PT. PLN Rayon Kota Sukabumi in using prepaid electricity system and to find out the background of intensive Personal Selling activity done by PT. PLN Rayon Kota Sukabumi. The case study approach combined with qualitative method are the methods utilised on this research. The subject of this research is an informant from PT. PLN Rayon Kota Sukabumi who organizes promotional strategy to promote prepaid electricity service. Interviews, observation, documentation, and literature review are the selected methods for data collection in this research. The results obtained from this research in promoting prepaid electricity service is the use of four mixed marketing technique: Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotions and Personal Selling followed by price policy and ease of prepaid electricity service installation payment to the main headquarters and organizing preponderant promotional event. Based on the findings in this research, the motive of PT PLN Rayon Kota Sukabumi in using prepaid electricty service is that this system had greater benefits and more convenient and it also serves as an answer to complaints that experienced by users of postpaid electricity service. The last finding in this research is the background of intensive Personal Marketing done by PT. PLN Rayon Sukabumi Kota is because it has greater informative effect, creating good relations between the company and local citizens and to reduce the possibilities of miscommunication.


promotion strategies, prepaid electricity service, case study


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