Tourism Promotion Strategy of Tebing Keraton By Forest Management Center Ir.H Djuanda Bandung

Arbie Arbie, Anne Maryani


The tourism sector is now a new flagship for the State's cash inflows. The economic potential of the tourism sector is very promising. But in reality this sector has not been fully utilized. Lack of promotion and budget constraints are considered to be one of the issues that make this sector slow to flourish. Of the many potential tourism in Indonesia, Tebing Keraton is one tourist attraction that is growing in the city of Bandung. Tebing Keraton is a natural tourist attraction located within Taman Hutan Raya Ir.H Djuanda Bandung. This study aims to determine the Strategy of Tourism Promotion of Tebing Keraton by Taman Hutan Raya Ir.H Djuanda Bandung management. Related strategies in determining promotion mix, media selection strategy and advertising copy strategy. The research method used is Qualitative Descriptive Method. The data collection techniques conducted are through interviews with Head of Utilization Section and Conservation Section Head Hall Taman Hutan Raya Ir.H Djuanda Bandung management. Observation technique is done by observing directly the object of research and literature study conducted by utilizing a number of books or other reading materials related to the research. The results obtained in this study, Taman Hutan Raya Ir.H Djuanda Bandung management promoting the object of collective tourism using Personal selling method by holding seminars in schools. The main media used for promotion are website and leafleat (brochure), Advertising is not used because of limited budget. Messages used in media brochures, websites, and android applications are messages that are informative and formal. While for persuasive messages are in the process of compilation with the use of words more interesting, informal, and "jokes" in order to be more interesting


Promotion Mix, Advertising, tourist attraction.


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