Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Sneaklin Sebagai Franchisor Kepada Franchisee

Nada Ayu Muti, Satya Indra Karsa


Sneaklin is pioneer laundering special services shoes in Indonesia first established in 2013. Economic and trade in Indonesia highly developed with the emergence of the franchise as one of the system market development considered proper chosen by Sneaklin. Various entrepreneurs franchise will improve the development of business cooperation franchise considered able to benefit for business operators franchise. Credibility Sneaklin as service company has 24 branch of franchise spread in various districts in Indonesia made stronger in the eyes of people particularly those who are now franchisee of the various branches of Sneaklin. Go from the case writer to examine marketing mix about 7 P done Sneaklin as franchisor to franchisee in an effort to franchise. This research in a qualitative the case studies that writer can get the maximal result of programs marketing mix done Sneaklin. This research referring to two crucial points in his discussion, the first point about marketing mix those services consisting of 7P namely; product, price, place, promotion, people, refugees, and physical evidence. Then two points for the franchise Sneaklin chosen as a market development. The result of this research is how the Sneaklin as franchisor do programs marketing mix to franchisee in an effort to franchise. Sneaklin as pioneer laundering special services shoes in Indonesia strive to always improve the quality of services and maintain position as the market leader by doing all the marketing mix in structured and based on the condition and situation business partner of Sneaklin namely franchisee, so the strategy took by Sneaklin in build confidence franchisee to cooperate franchise can be realized accordance with the target by doing programs marketing mix ( 7 P ) effectively.


Marketing Mix, Case Studies, Sneaklin.


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