Muhamad Yusuf Fadlillah, M. Rochim


Teenagers are the next generation whom build the Nation to be the better nation and had thinking forward way in their life. Based on Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), at 2014 22 percent of drugs user are teenagers. At 2015, amount 4.825 people are in drugs rehabilitation. In that rehabilitation process, therapeutic communication is used, because therapeutic communication can increase the understanding of the patient and therapeutic communication also can help to make a constructive relation between the doctor and the patient. The purpose of this research are to know what communication that the counselor use for the patient. This research is using quantitative methodology, the goal of this research is to know what was hiding in hardly understood phenomena. While the approach of this study using case studies because researchers want to find the "uniqueness" of the object of research. In every communication process the counselor always did different way of first handling depend on the patient background, all the drug patients in Pondok Inabah 20 must finish every step of rehabilitation. All the development activity is always depend on the holy Qur’an and hadith.


Therapeutic Communication, Drugs, Rehabilitation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7082

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