The Relationship Between Point of Purchase Wardah Product with Buying Decision

Suci Ramdhini Sofyan, Aning Sofyan


The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between point of purchase wardah product with buying decision. Variable point of purchase in this research is design, colour and layout. This research applied quantitative approach. The sample of this research is 100 wardah product consumers in among UNISBA female students with probability sampling metode is using random sampling technique. This research using questionnaire as research instrument and analyzed with correlational test to identify the extent of variation on one factor related to other factor, while the independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y) in this research is ordinal scale.Questionnaire results were then calculated using SPSS 23 by using Spearman rank correlation test. The result of this research is to find the relationship or test the hypothesis signification when each of the related variables is ordinal. Based on the calculation results obtained that there is a significant relationship point of purchase wardah product (X) with buying decision (Y) which indicate the sig value to 0.05 and the coefficient value to 0.575. Therefore the relationship is a strong enough relationship, where the level of increase point of purchase wardah products will be in line with the increase in purchasing decisions.


point of purchase, buying decision, design, colour and layout


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