Konsep Diri Korean Role Play (Studi Fenomenologi pada Korean Role Player dalam Dunia Virtual Role Play World di Media Sosial Twitter)

Destevania Nurul Ghassani, Rini Rinawati


Role play was assumed as one of the media for (mostly) K-Pop enthusiast who want to potray and acting as the idol on their social media. So far, Twitter is the most used media by Korean role players. Ideally, they show how they’re acting and potray the idol by tweeting their imagination as if they’re really live by the idol’s life. The purpose of my research is to explore the Korean role player’s transformation of self-concept that will build their behavior, at the present and the future, both in the role play world also in their real life world. This research use a qualitative research with phenomenology study type, which will study the phenomena that showed up from Korean role player’s experience. Understanding the conscious experience from Korean role player’s point of view, and interpret their experience by participating method also interviewing their social media activity (Twitter) and their real life activity experience. The results show us that the transformation of self-concept that built in the role player’s behaviour is highly positive. Korean role player is more confident and good in socializing. Furthermore, their speaking ability is also increased, specially in English and Korean basic. That positive vibe is applied in their real life that will also affect their future.


Korean Role Player, Twitter, Self-Concept.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.6988

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