The ability of Broadcasters on the program KONCI Ardan Radio 105.9 FM Bandung (Case Study on Broadcasters Ardan Radio 105.9 FM Bandung)

Rey Nadhira Rachmani, Anne Ratnasari


Radio Ardan 105.9 FM Bandung is the number one youth radio in Bandung. Globally positioning Ardan radio is a young boy aged 14 to 24 years. As a radio format that has 80% entertainment content, Ardan radio has several special program broadcasts. One of them is KONCI (Conflict of Love) program, this special entertainment program presents love drama on radio. In the event program KONCI (Conflict of Love), Ardan radio broadcaster is required to be able to read the script drama while acting to portray a figure that seems real, supported by music and sound effects. The radio announcer on the program must really be able to build a Theater of Mind radio listener, so that radio listeners can visualize the announcer's voice and can imagine the drama well. Researchers focused this research on: "The ability of Broadcasters on the program KONCI Radio Ardan 105.9 FM Bandung". The purpose of this research is to know the qualification of broadcasters, air personality/character announcer, obstacles and effort to overcome obstacles when the broadcast, and the reason of KONCI (Conflict of Love) program become one of special program in Ardan radio. In this research using Qualitative research method with Case Study approach. The theory used is the concept of qualifying announcer and air personality announcer. Data collection techniques used interview techniques, observation, literature study and documentation. The result of the research concludes that the announcer of KONCI program (Conflict of Love) has fulfilled the qualification as broadcaster of Ardan radio, the air personality of the broadcaster to be one of the success factors of the KONCI (Conflict of Love) program into a special program on Ardan radio. In addition, several other factors that affect the program become special is due to its advantages and uniqueness.


Radio, Broadcaster, Qualification, Air Personality.


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