Relation Of official account Line as marketing communication domino’s pizza Indonesia with consumer buying interest

Andri Andri, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges


The background of this problem is that since the domino's pizza company Indonesia initially used the Web as a marketing communications, but its performance in 2015 to 2016 decreased, then in the period of november 2016, domino's used the official line account as one of its marketing communications, and  within  the period 2016 to May 2017, domino's sales become stable. The purpose of this study is the researcher wanted to know how much relationship of official line domino's pizza indonesia with buy consumer interest. Methods In this study, the authors use quantitative research by using survey methods. Then researchers use a type of correlational research to find relationships between variables with data collection techniques using simple random sampling. The population of this study were followers who were active in liking and commenting on the timeline of the Domino's pizza ID official Line account. Of the population of 400 respondents in the sample set to 85 respondents.The results of this study are 1) There is a relationship between the use of the Domino's Indonesia official line as a medium of advertising with consumer buying interest, 2) There is a relationship between the use of Domino's Indonesia official LINE account as a sales promotion with consumer buying interest. 3) There is a relationship between the use of Domino's Indonesia official LINE account as direct marketing with consumer buying interest. 4) There is a relationship between the use of Domino's Indonesia official LINE account as Word of mouth with consumer buying interest.


Marketing, Line, Domino’s pizza, promotion mix, buying interest


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