The Communication Activity in the Program Bandung Menjawab by the Office of Communications and Information of Bandung City

Lucky Luqman Hakim


The process of implementation of communication activities carried out by the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung City through the program Bandung Menjawab is divided into three parts: before the event, when the activity, and after activity. First, the process of implementation before the activity consists of planning time by the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung. Planning started from the formation of the core team and the general team, to determine departments and districts will attend the Bandung Answering program. Second, during the program, there is the provision of material by the department and districts, as well as question and answer sessions between representatives of other agencies and journalists. Third, once the program is implemented, the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung City publicize the program Bandung Menjawab via an official website How the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung in teamwork is to build a family atmosphere within the team, making the team coordination meetings on a regular basis, in addition to holding meetings outside the office, involving all staff involved in the program. In the manner of publication, through online media website, the Department of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung newly introduced in 2015 until now. Currently the citizens of Bandung are already Internet citizens so that the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Bandung makes it easy for the citizens to read the article through a website that can be accessed anytime. The articles are also made briefly attractive, solid, and clear.


New media, online media websites, programs Bandung answered.


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Darmawan, Deni dan Permana, Hendra Deden. 2013. Desain dan Pemrograman Website. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Kurnia, Novi. 2005. “Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Media Baru: Implikasi terhadap Teori Komunikasi,†dalam Jurnal MediaTor. Volume 6, Nomor 2, Desember 2005 (hal. 291-296).

Sumber Lain

“Perkembangan New Media atau Media Baru di Indonesiaâ€, Tanggal akses 28 Oktober 2015 pukul 20.13 WIB.


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