Web Marketing Communication Moemagic The Series On Youtube Content

Prama Yodha Iskandar, Ike Junita Triwardhani


This research was done to explain How MoeMagic Web Series Marketing Communication which is produced by OverCrazyArts Ph partnering with LayariaTV to get profit, attraction, and enthused by the audience through YouTube content. Lately Web Series or series show on online video such as YouTube, very enthused by social network users especially teenagers today. It is become attraction for researcher to know how Marketing Communication Process which is done by MoeMagic to increase Viewers and Subscriber to a content, especially on MoeMagic Web Series, which is busy talking about by certain people who like Japanese series shows.

This research use Descriptive Study Qualitative data as research reference. Research subject here is MoeMagic Web Series shows on YouTube Content which is like by 12-19 years old single teenager, especially Bandung. While research object is how Marketing Communication process whis is done by OverCrazyArts Ph creator partnering with LayariaTV do Marketing Strategy to the series shows to the consumer. Data collected through Documentation Observation, depth interview in person. Accuracy checking using Triangulation techniques.

Research resul shows that Marketing Communication which is done by OverCrazyArts Ph Creator partnering with LayariaTV, to MoeMagic Web Series Shows, that is produce positive response and have appeal to the consumer from segmentation aspect, Targeting. Because in accordance to the content which is shown by the series, so that the shows earn income through viewers and advertisement which is go through YouTube. Besides interesting positioning become consumers appeal to keep waiting and watch MoeMagic shows. Marketing Communication which is presented by Philip Kolter through targeting marketing strategy, and positioning, turned out to be appropriate with the consumer target who like Japanese series shows.


Communication, Marketing Communication, Web Series.


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Sumber Lain

http:// www.kamera gulung blogspot. com/2012/04/dennis-adhiswara-talks-about-web-series/ tanggal akses : 20 Juni 2015. pkl. 11.00 WIB.

http:// www.layaria.com/ tanggal akes : 20 Juni 2015. pkl. 11.00 WIB.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2946

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