The Promotion of the Geology Museum of Bandung through Conventional Media and Internet

Nayinda Rafiqamila, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges


Bandung is not only rich in natural attractions and culinary course. Bandung is also an appropriate destination city for educational tours. In addition to landmark buildings with distinctive Dutch colonial architecture, the museum has also become one of the tourist destinations in the history of the city of Bandung. A research states that the calculation of museum visitors in Indonesia is the largest science and technology museum in TMII Jakarta and Bandung Geology Museum. It has been suggested that the number of visitors at the Museum of Geology This is a form of achievement of the purpose of promotion. It is because the campaign is an important instrument in efforts to develop information to sell goods and services or also an idea. However, the Geological Museum of Bandung still do promotion when visitors have plenty. What is the reason Geological Museum still make promotional efforts. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the steps and any promotional efforts undertaken by the Geological Museum in maintaining and increasing the number of visitors. This study uses qualitative research methods as deemed appropriate by interviews and direct observation of the object under study. Interview to the Geological Museum and some of the visitors is one-step in obtaining research data. It must be supported by the study of literature and a variety of other measures.


Promotions, Museum, Geology Museum


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