Sosialisasi Komisi Pemilihan Umum dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat untuk Mengikuti Pemilu 2019

Irsyad Aziz Fadhilah


        Abstract. Various aspects that must be socialized to the voting community related to the election include: the benefits of the election, the names of election participants, the invitation to vote later at the time of voting, election procedures, election schedule, especially at the campaign stage, voting procedures, schedule voting and announcement of the results of the vote count. The messages in the socialization activities need to be done in an interesting, informative, simple and easy to understand way. Media outreach can be done in the form of voting simulations, or by installing public service advertisements in print and electronic media, advertising outdor (outdoors) by installing banners and billboards in strategic places, distributing brochures, stickers and so on. To carry out election socialization, the KPU adheres to the Code of Conduct for Election Implementers. The goal of the KPU itself is how to increase public participation in the 2019 General Election. Of course when participation increases there is effectiveness of the KPU on the participation of community voters.

Keywords : Socialization, KPU, Participation, Effectiveness


Keywords : Socialization, KPU, Participation, Effectiveness

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