Hubungan Brand Image dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan di Kota Bandung

Ahmad Ridwan, endri listiani


Abstract. The study was conducted on Heaven Skateboards Clothing. The problem in this study is that the average sales of Heaven Skateboards between 2017 and 2018 have decreased. This indicates that the number of competitors with new brands has made sales of Heaven Skateboards Clothing decreased and customer loyalty of Heaven Skateboards has shifted to competitors' clothing products. The study was conducted to determine the relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Strength of brand associations with customer loyalty, know the relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Favorability of brand associations with customer loyalty and to find out the relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Union of brand associations with customer loyalty in Bandung as Heaven Heaven consumers SkateBoards. Brand Image is an assumption about a brand that is reflected by consumers who hold on to consumers' memories or can also be defined as the way people think about a brand abstractly in their thinking, even when they think about it, they do not deal directly with the product. (Keller and Keller, 2016: 166). According to Keller and Keller (2014: 167) brand image indicators are the excellence of brand associations, the strength of brand associations, and the uniqueness of brand associations. Loyalty is a buying behavior that is defined as nonrandom purchases that are expressed from time to time by several Griffin decision-making units (2013: 274). Loyalty indicators are repeat purchases, recommends, and are not easy to switch. (Grifin in Tjiptono, 2014: 116). The research method used is the correlational method. Choreal analysis is defined as an analysis of data that is entered to see the relationship between two variables. The purpose of doing correlation analysis (Abdurahman,, 2011: 177-178). The population in this study is a skateboarder who became a member of Heaven Skateboarding totaling 247 people, with a research sample of 72 respondents. The results of this study are that there is a strong relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Strength of brand associations and customer loyalty. There is a strong relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Favorability of brand associations with customer loyalty and there is a strong relationship between Heaven SkateBoards Uniqueness of brand associations and customer loyalty.

Keywords: Brand image, Strength of brand associations, Favorability of brand associations, Uniqueness of brand associations, and customer loyalty.


Abstrak. Penelitian dilakukan pada Heaven Skateboards Clothing. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah rata-rata penjualan Heaven Skateboards antara tahun 2017 dan 2018 mengalami penurunan. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa banyaknya pesaing dengan brand baru menjadikan penjualan Heaven Skateboards Clothing menurun dan loyalitas pelanggan Heaven Skateboards berpindah kepada produk clothing pesaing. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Strength of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan, mengetahui hubungan antara Favorability of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Uniqueness of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan di Kota Bandung sebagai konsumen Heaven SkateBoards. Brand Image merupakan anggapan tentang merek yang direfleksikan konsumen yang berpegang pada ingatan konsumen atau dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai cara orang berpikir tentang sebuah merek secara abstrak dalam pemikiran mereka, sekalipun pada saat mereka memikirkannya, mereka tidak berhadapan langsung dengan produk. (Keller dan Keller, 2014:166). Menurut Keller dan Keller (2014:167)  indikator brand image adalah keunggulan asosiasi merek (favorability of brand association), kekuatan asosiasi merek (strength of brand association), dan keunikan asosiasi merek (uniqueness of brand association). Loyalitas merupakan perilaku pembelian yang didefinisikan sebagai pembelian nonrandom yang diungkapkan dari waktu ke waktu oleh beberapa unit pengambilan keputusan Griffin (2013:274). Indikator loyalitas adalah pembelian ulang, merekomendasikan, dan tidak mudah beralih. (Grifin dalam Tjiptono, 2014:116). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode korelasional. Analisis korealsi diartikan sebagai suatu analisis data yang bermasuk untuk melihat hubungan antara dua variabel. Tujuan dilakukannya analisis korelasi (Abdurahman,, 2011:177-178). Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah Pemain skateboard yang menjadi member pada Heaven SkateBoarding yang berjumlah 247 orang, dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 72 responden.Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara Strength of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara Favorability of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan dan terdapat hubungan cukup kuat antara Uniqueness of brand associations Heaven SkateBoards dengan loyalitas pelanggan

Kata kunci: Brand image,  Strength of brand associations, Favorability of brand associations, Uniqueness of brand associations, dan loyalitas pelanggan.


Brand image, Strength of brand associations, Favorability of brand associations, Uniqueness of brand associations, dan loyalitas pelanggan.

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