Strategi Komunikasi Muallaf dalam Resolusi Konflik di Keluarga

Fahryanza Taftazani Imami, Rini Rinawati


Abstract. A religious conversion (convert) can certainly cause a collision because of changes in values that occur within the family. Parents as carriers of certain values in the family, will automatically reduce the value they hold to the child. At one time when the value changes, a conflict will emerge. The family is a group that is not voluntary, it is not selected to enter and cannot leave the group. The discussion above raises an idea where conflict in a family requires special handling in this study is a convert communication strategy in conflict resolution in the family. The purpose of this study was to find out the communication strategies carried out by converts in conflict resolution in their families. The study used qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The subjects in this study were 5 worshipers of Lautze 2 Mosque in Bandung who were of Chinese descent. In retrieving research data used a type of non-probability sampling with a type of purposive sampling in which researchers choose research subjects based on certain criteria. To get comprehensive data, researchers conducted various types of data retrieval techniques, namely by conducting in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. From this study, it was found that communication strategies carried out by converts in conflict resolution in their families were carried out by the decision of identity-change by the converts. The conflict itself born by several factors, namely, maintaining a communication by discussing and exchanging ideas, involving third parties who felt credible to resolve conflicts, and avoiding problems that they felt could reduce the occurrence of a conflict. Based on the research findings, the most widely used communication strategy by subjects in resolving conflicts with their families is by using discussion techniques. In some cases, the research subjects chose to avoid conflict, solve it by motivating themselves and also negotiating (dynamic style). Only in certain cases, the subject decides to involve a third person (accommodation style) to resolve the conflict with his family. The results of the study only found one case that used a style of involvement in resolving family conflicts.

Keywords: Muallaf, Tionghoa, Family Conflicts, Communication Strategy, Conflict Resolution.

Abstrak. Suatu konversi agama (muallaf) tentu dapat menimbulkan suatu benturan karena perubahan nilai yang terjadi dalam keluarga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh mualaf dalam resolusi konflik di keluarganya. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 5 orang jamaah Masjid Lautze 2 di Bandung yang merupakan keturunan Tionghoa. Dalam mengambil data penelitian digunakan tipe non-probability sampling dengan jenis purposive sampling di mana subjek penelitian dipilih berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Untuk mendapatkan data yang komprehensif, peneliti melakukan berbagai macam teknik pengambilan data yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Konflik bersumber dari perbedaan paham yang meliputi nilai, emosi, cara berkomunikasi, sejarah dan struktur. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian, strategi komunikasi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh subjek dalam menyelesaikan konflik dengan keluarganya adalah dengan menggunakan teknik diskusi. Pada beberapa kasus, subjek penelitian memilih untuk menghindari konflik, menyelesaikannya dengan cara memotivasi diri sendiri dan juga melakukan negosiasi (gaya dinamis). Hanya dalam beberapa kasus tertentu, subjek memutuskan untuk melibatkan orang ketiga (gaya akomodasi) untuk menyelesaikan konflik dengan keluarganya. Hasil penelitian pun hanya menemukan satu kasus yang menggunakan gaya keterlibatan dalam menyelesaikan konflik keluarga.

Kata Kunci: Muallaf, Tionghoa, Konflik Keluarga, Strategi Komunikasi, Resolusi Konflik


Muallaf, Tionghoa, Konflik Keluarga, Strategi Komunikasi, Resolusi Konflik

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