Komunikasi Pemasaran Sosial Family for Family

Reva Nur Azizah, Dede Lilis Chaerowati


Abstract. This article is about social marketing communication by Family For Family Community was written to analyze how The purpose of this research is to understand the background of the existence of Family For Family, then to understand the Family For Family’s program for foster families, to understand the social marketing mix of the foster families program and to understand the reason why Family For Family choose direct engagement as their marketing tool. The concept that is used is the communication of social marketing towards the principles of social marketing. The method that is used in this research is the qualitative method with the case study’s approach through open and deep interview, observation, and any related documents with the research. The subject of the research is: The CEO of Family For Family, COO (Chief Operational Officer) of Family For Family, and Marketing & Partnership Division of Family For Family. According to the research’s result it was found that the social marketing communication of Family For Family include: (1) The background of the existence of the community is inspired from the story of Muhajirin people that migrate from Madinah and met the Anshar people so that there was a relationship between them without looking at any differences from one to another. (2) The foster families program is based on one to one concept, many to one, and one to many that work for three empowerment sectors such as health, entrepreneurs, and education. Besides that there is social enterprise that aims to sell the products that are made by the foster families and being sold to the people. (3) The marketing mix that is done through the promotion with selective and personal communication aims to affect the target of the adopter and change the behavior of the community. (4) The marketing through selective communication can reach a wider target market and more effective and marketing of word of mouth is also being used as the promotion tool that is effective for personal communication.

Keywords: Family For Family community, Marketing Communication, Social Marketing, Social Marketing Mix, Word of Mouth


Abstrak. Artikel ini mengenai komunikasi pemasaran sosial komunitas Family For Family ini disusun untuk mengetahui latar belakang didirikannya Family For Family Kota Bandung, lalu untuk mengetahui program keluarga asuh Family For Family Kota Bandung, untuk mengetahui bauran pemasaran Sosial melalui mengenai program keluarga asuh dilakukan oleh Family For Family dan untuk mengetahui alasan mengapa Family For Family melakukan komunikasi pemasaran sosial melalui pendekatan langsung. Konsep yang digununakan adalah Komunikasi Pemasaran Sosial dengan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip pemasaran sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus melalui teknik wawancara terbuka dan mendalam, observasi, dan dokumen yang relevan dengan penelitian. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah: CEO Family For Family, Divisi Program Family For Family, dan Divisi Marketing Family For Family. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan komunikasi pemasaran sosial Family For Family diantaranya: (1) Latar belakang didirikannya terinspirasi dari cerita kaum Muhajirin yang hijrah ke Madinah dan bertemu Kaum Anshar sehingga terjadilah persaudaraan antar mereka tanpa melihat gap satu sama lainnya. (2) Program keluarga asuh terdiri dari konsep one to one, many to one, dan one to many yang bergerak dalam tiga bidang pemberdayaan berupa kesehatan, wirausaha, dan pendidikan. Selain itu ada social enterprise yang bertujuan untuk menjual produk yang dibuat oleh keluarga asuh dan djual kepada masyarakat. (3) Bauran Pemasaran yang dilakukan melalui promosi dengan cara komunikasi selektif dan komunikasi personal yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi target adopter dang mengubah sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. (4) Pemasaran melalui komunikasi selektif dapat menjangkau target sasaran lebih luas dan efektif dan pemasaran Word Of Mouth juga menjadi alat promosi yang efektif untuk komunikasi personal

Kata Kunci :       Family For Family, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Pemasaran Sosial, Bauran Pemasaran Sosial, Word Of Mouth


Family For Family, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Pemasaran Sosial, Bauran Pemasaran Sosial, Word Of Mouth

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.11845

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