Pengaruh Kualitas Jasa terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Survei Konsumen di Jasa Kurir JNE Cabang Bandung)

Fazri Kurniawan, Dede R Oktini


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation and application of service quality by the expedition service of JNE, to determine the response of consumers regarding the implementation of service quality by the JNE, and to find out how much influence the service quality to consumers satisfying. This research was conducted at the JNE’s company with the case study method and using simple regression analysis were processed with SPSS.The sample which is taken are consumers of JNE by the number of 100 respondents. With the research methods of survey and sampling techniques are non-probability sampling. Analysis of data used is simple regression analysis aimed to test the hypothesis.The results of this study show the influence service quality on consumer satisfying with a value of p = 0.000, correlation coefficient of 0,711 (R = 0,711), and the determinant coefficient (R-Square / R2) of 50.6%. This means that there is influence between service quality to consumers satisfying.

Keywords : Service Quality, Consumer Satisfying.


Service Quality, Consumer Satisfying

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