Pengaruh Celebrity Endorseer tehadap Minat Beli Konsumen

Annisa Kusumaningati


The purpose of this research is to understand the implementation of the celebrity endorser in distro premium project bandung , to know response customers on the implementation of the celebrity endorser in distro premium project bandung , to know response consumers distro premium project bandung to celebrity endorser , to see how interest in buying the customers to distro premium project , and to find how big the influence of ceelebrity endorser to interest in buying consumers .The study is done at distro premium project with a method of surveying and use regression analysis simple mixed with spss. A subject in this research is 100 respondents .With research methodology survey and technique withdrawal sample is non probability of sampling namely insidensial sampling .Analysis the data in use is regression analysis simple aimed at to test hypotheses .This research result indicates the presence of the influence of electronic word of mouth in social media against brand awareness with a value of p = 0.000 , a correlation coefficient of 0.644 ( r = 0.644 ) , and coefficients determinan ( r-square / r2 0.467 ) as much as it means there is the influence of between celebrity endorser against , buy konmsumen interest .


celebrity endorser, interest in buying consumers.


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