Pengaruh Saluran Distribusi terhadap Loyalitas Reseller PT. Spring Panel Land Serang, Banten

Firda Nur Zakiyah, Nina Maharani, Dede R Oktini


PT. Spring Panel Land which is a manufacturer and distributor for products from other companies that must rely heavily on distribution channels in order to reach consumers throughout the province of Banten. Because of the importance of distribution channels for the company's distribution channel quality should be improved so that customer loyalty is maintained. The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the implementation of the distribution channel in PT. Spring Panel Land.(2) To determine response of  reseller’s about distribution cahnnel PT. Spring Panel Land (3) To determine the level of loyalty reseller PT. Spring Panel Land. (4) To determine how much influence the distribution channel loyalty reseller PT. Spring Panel Land. In this study, the type of study is a verification and the method used was survey method. The collection of data used by the author is an interview, documentation and questionnaires with parties that are considered capable of providing input or information in the conduct of research. The population in this study is a reseller PT. Spring Panel Land totaling 197 resellers. Having calculated by the formula Slovin it was determined 66 resellers who will act as respondents in this study. From research by the author, the conclusion that the distribution channel is carried out by PT. Spring Panel land is industrial distribution channel level 0 and level of consumption goods distribsusi channel 1. PT. Spring Panel Land has conducted activities such as distribution channel management 1) elect the members of the channel 2) motivate channel members and 3) evaluate channel members. Function and output services that have been carried out by PT. Spring Panel Land to meet the needs of the consumer or reseller, namely: 1) the size of lot 2) waiting time and time delivery 3) spatial comfort 4) assortment and 5) support services. 66 questionnaires in the scatterplot obtain valid and reliable results and after it obtained from the questionnaire that channel Distribution of the PT. Spring Panel Land Serang, Banten included in the criteria fairly well with a percentage of 64.45%, and reseller loyalty included in the criteria fairly well with a percentage of 62.20%. Based on hypothesis testing using t, it is known that the value of the t test distribution channels for 6142 which shows that there is significant influence between the variables reseller distribution channel loyalty.


Distribution Channel, Channel Marketing, Loyalty Reseller, Consumer Loyalty


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