The Effect of Brand Personality on Customer Loyalty of Warung Nasi Bancakan Bandung

Mahaputra Aditya Pradana, Ratih Tresnati, Dede R. Oktini


The study is entitled “The Effect of Brand Personality on Customer Loyalty of Warung Nasi Bancakan Bandungâ€. It aims to find out the formation of Brand Personality of Warung Nasi Bancakan, o reveal the customer responses regarding the Brand Personality, to determine the level of Customer Loyalty of Warung Nasi Bancakan, and to determine the influence of Brand Personality on Customer Loyalty of Warung Nasi Bancakan. This research used descriptive-verification quantitative method. The data covers primary and secondary data. The data were collected by interview, questionnaire, and observation. Respondents of this study were the visitors of Warung Nasi Bancakan Bandung. The number of respondents is 100 taken by using accidental sampling technique. The quantitative method includes validity and reliability tests. It also covers the hypothesis test by t-test. Data analysis technique employed analyses of correlation, simple linear regression, and determination coefficient (R2). The execution of data analysis utilized Microsoft software assistance, covering OfficeExcel 2007 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22 for Windows. The research shows that Brand Personality gives positive and significant impacts on the Customer Loyalty of Warung Nasi Bancakan Bandung.


Brand Personality, Customer Loyalty, Warung Nasi Bancakan Bandung


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