The Effects of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction in the Balikpapan Branch of CV Luwai Garment

Adimas Untara, Dudung Abdurrahman, Aminuddin Aminuddin


Job satisfaction is one important element in a company. Employee with high job satisfaction tends to perform good behavior in performing work. Conversely, employee with low job satisfaction tends to give many problems, such as low productivity, absenteeism, and resignation. Job satisfaction can be influenced by many factors. One of them is work environment at company. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of work environment on job satisfaction of employee in Balikpapan Branch of CV Luwai Garment. The study employed descriptive and verification method involving sixty respondents. Data were collected by using questionnaire. The data analysis employed linear regression analysis. The results show that work environment affect job satisfaction, the effect of working environment on job satisfaction is 11.2% and the remaining 88.8% is affected by other factors other than work environment.


Work Environment, Job Satisfaction


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