Analisis Pemilihan Pemasok Bahan Baku dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk Menentukan Supplier Terbaik pada Rumah Makan Sidamulya Parongpong Bandung Barat

Iqbal Apriyanto


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to know the best supplier in Rumah Makan SIDAMULYA. This type of research is quantitative description, which is a research method that is arranged in order to provide a systematic description of the information based on the object of research. The method used is case study, which is a method that aims to study and investigate an event or phenomenom in object of research. As for data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and literature studies. This study uses primary and secondary data, and using an analytical tool is Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. From the result of the research conducted that the highest-weighted supplier was supplier A with a score of 0,384, supplier B with a score of 0, 305, supplier C with a score of 0, 193, and supplier D with a score of 0,118. In the calculation of variables / criteria the highest weight is occupied by the quality criteria with a score of 0,431, price criteria with a score of 0,239, criteria for service with a score of 0,141, quantity criteria with a score of 0,110, shipping criteria with a score 0,080.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarcy Process, supplier.


Analytical Hierarcy Process, supplier.

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